Dragla Ancestry Feats

-----Level 1-----


Draglan Breath [2] Feat 1

Frequency: Once per minute
You breathe deeply and exhale powerful energy in a 15 foot cone or 30 foot line, dealing 1d6 damage. The area and damage type match those of your Draglan Origin. Each creature in the area must attempt a basic Reflex save against your class DC or spell DC, whichever is higher. At 3rd level, and every 2 levels thereafter, this damage increases by 1d6.  

Origin Magic Feat 1

Your draglan magic manifests as a simple spell, even if you aren't formally trained in magic. Choose one cantrip from a spell list of your choice. You can cast this cantrip as an innate spell at will. A cantrip is automatically heightened to a spell level equal to half your level rounded up.  

Draglan Lore Feat 1

You eagerly absorded the old stories and traditions of your ancestors and your people, studying in subjects and techniques passed down for generation upon generation. You gain the trained proficiency rank in Intimidation and Arcana. If you would automatically become trained in one of those skills (from your background or class for example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. You also become trained in Draglan Lore.  

Elemental Affinity Feat 1

You have a closer relation with your Draglan Origin. Your spells and alchemical items that deal the elemental damage type of your Draglan Origin gain a status bonus to damage equal to half the spell's level or one-quarter of the item's level (minimum 1).  

Draglan Roar [1] Feat 1

Your roar evokes a sense of raw savage fear that forces enemies to flee. Attempt an Intimidation check against the Will DC of a single enemy within 30 feet. This has all the usual traits and restrictions of an Intimidation check. You can affect up to two targets within range if you have expert proficiency in Intimidation, four if you have Master proficiency, and eight if you have Legendary proficiency. Critical Success: The target takes a -1 status penalty to Will saves and attack rolls for 1 minute. Success: The target takes a -1 status penalty to Will saves and attack rolls for 1 round. Critical Failure: The target is temporarily immune to attempts to use Draglan Roar for 1 hour.  

Draglan Weapon Familiarity Feat 1

You take pride of the weapons of your kin and you prefer these to more elegant arms. You are Trained with Jagged Blade and Draglan Bardiche. You also gain access to all uncommon Draglan weapons. For the purpose of determining your proficiency, martial Draglan weapons are simple weapons, and advanced Draglan weapons are martial weapons.  

-----Level 5-----


Shed Scale Feat 5

Prerequisites: Azure or Glimmer Draglan Origin
There comes a time in every Dragla's lives when they must shed their scales and ascend to the next stage of their life. For most Dragla this is normal. For you and others of the Azure and Glimmer Draglan Origin, you evolve into something entirely different. The effect of this feat depends on your Draglan Origin, whether Azure or Glimmer. Azure: You are a reclusive sea Dragla, typically living beneath the waves but also venture onto land. You no longer have Flight speed and instead have Swimming speed, and you gain the Aquatic trait. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus when you make Athletics checks to Swim. You can also cast Hydro Crash as an innate cantrip. Innate cantrips are automatically heightened to half your level (rounded up). Glimmer: Your scales glimmer with speckles of green and turquoise, and you reside in forests and jungles most often. Instead of draconic wings, your wings are now insect or faerie-like. You can cast Enchanted Pollen as an innate spell once per day. You have Low-light vision instead of Darkvision. You are trained in Nature and gain Natural Medicine as a bonus feat.  

Hold Breath Feat 5

Prerequisite: Draglan Breath
You are able to hold your respiration longer for a stronger Breath Weapon. When you use the Breath Weapon attack you can spend one action to double the range and gain a status bonus to damage equal to the number of damage dice of your Breath Weapon.  

Draglan Weapon Pride Feat 5

Prerequisites: Draglan Weapon Familiarity
Your pride for the weapons of your kin made you work harder to learn the effective way to use these weapons, and hold on to your dying culture. Whenever you critically hit using a Jagged Blade, Draglan Bardiche, or Draglan weapon, you apply the weapon's critical specialization effect.  

Painful Vigor [R] Feat 5

Trigger: You take damage
Your wounds in battle increase your resolve and imbue you with the energy to fight a bit longer. You gain temporary HP equal to your Constitution Modifier until the end of your next turn.  

Draglan Roar Feat 5

The draglan primal magic in your blood manifests as a force you can use to make your presence become more terrifying. You can cast a 1st level Fear spell as an innate spell once per day.  

Competitive Heart Feat 5

Your competitiveness inspires you to great achievements. Whenever an ally critically succeeds at a skill check, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus for your next check in the same skill for the next 10 minutes.  

-----Level 9-----

Hurl Breath Feat 9

Prerequisites: Draglan Breath
When you use your Draglan Breath, you can hurl it as an area attack instead of using it as a close blast. You create an orb of energy with a 60 foot range that explodes in a 10 foot burst.

Frightful Presence Feat 9

Your presence instills fear into the enemies' hearts. When a creature you have frightened begins its turn adjacent to you, it can not reduce its Frightened value below 1 on that turn.  

-----Level 13-----


Draglan Weapon Expertise Feat 13

Prerequisites: Draglan Weapon Familiarity
Your affinity with the weapons of your kin blends with your training, granting great skill with Draglan weapons. When you gain a class feature that grants you Expert or greater proficiency in certain weapons, you also gain that proficiency in the Jagged Blade, Draglan Bardiche, and Draglan weapons in which you are trained.  

Elemental Awakening Feat 13

Prerequisites: Draglan Breath
With training you have learned to use a different breath weapon. Choose a damage type your breath weapon doesn't already have from among acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison when you choose this feat. When you use your Draglan Breath, you can use that damage type instead of the one of your original Draglan Origin. Only one damage type applies for a given Draglan Breath attack.


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