Cowin Heritages

Hairfoot Cowin You are accustomed to living a calm life in the hills, and find rest and relaxation especially replenishing, particularly when indulging in creature comforts. When you regain HP overnight, add your level to the HP regained. When anyone uses the Medicine skill to Treat your Wounds, you can eat a snack to add your level to the HP regained from their treatment.   Gnowin Your ancestors hail from regions surrounding Mystia surges spread out across the entire world, and have been touched by Mystia in a way that other races could only imagine. You have a sparkling tinge to your skin and gain the innate cantrip, Detect Magic. You also gain a +2 natural bonus to your Mystia, but also have a natural tendency to wilder magic, which is always in effect for you.   Creek Cowin You have lived along creeks and rivers all your life, becoming quite adept swimmers. You have water resistance equal to half your level (minimum 1), and gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Athletics checks used to Swim.   Nomad Cowin Your ancestors have traveled from place to place for generations, never content to settle down. You gain two additional languages of your choice, chosen from among common and uncommon languages available to you, and every time you take the multilingual feat, you gain another language.   Lightfoot Cowin You are a drinker. You know how to hold your drink. Perhaps you've even won drinking competitions. Perhaps you are even involved in the brewing of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol is your life. You are trained in the Alcohol Lore skill, and gain a +1 circumstance bonus on Fortitude saving throws when drinking an alcoholic poison.   Twilight Cowin Your ancestors have performed many secret acts under the concealing cover of dusk, whether for good or ill, and over time have developed the ability to see in twilight beyond even the usual keen sight of Cowins. You gain low-light vision.   Wildwood Cowin Your ancestors hail from deep in the jungle or forest, and you've learned to use your small size to wriggle through undergrowth, vines, and other obstacles. You ignore difficult terrain from trees, foliage, and undergrowth.


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