Costori Heritages

Fungus Costori Your body was made from fungi that grows in the shade of caves and trees, and you are at home in dark caverns and warrens. You gain darkvision.   Gourd Costori You have a large gourd for a skull. Your knowledge comes from within your spirit, rather than a physical brain, and you have found a handier use for the space inside your head. You can store a collection of up to 1 Bulk of objects within your head. The DC of checks to Steal objects from inside your head increases by 4. Additionally, if you store only one object within your head, you can draw it effortlessly into your hand as part of another action to use the object. Drawing the item grants this other action the manipulate trait.   Leafy Costori Your body is made mostly from natural foliage, and like a leaf tumbling from a tree, you land from falls with particular grace. You take no damage from falling, regardless of the distance you fall.   Vine Costori The prehensile vines woven into your body grant you unmatched skill at climbing. You do not need to have any hands free to Climb. Additionally, if you roll a success on an Athletics check to Climb, you get a critical success instead.   Cactus Costori Spines cover your body. You gain a spine unarmed attack that deals 1d6 piercing damage. Your spines are in the brawling group and have the finesse and unarmed traits.   Fruit Costori Your body continually produces small fruits imbued with primal magic. At dawn each day, a new fruit ripens. You or an ally can remove this fruit as an Interact action. If a living creature that can derive sustenance from fruit consumes it as an Interact action within the next hour, they regain 1d8 hit points for every 2 of your levels beyond 1st. This effect has the healing, necromancy, and positive traits.   Lotus Costori You effortlessly float on the surface of the water. You can walk on the surface of still water and other non-damaging liquids moving at half your normal speed. You can attempt to walk along the surface of flowing water as well, still moving at half speed, but doing so requires a successful Acrobatics check to Balance using the DC of a Swim check to move through the water; on a failure, you fall into the water. This Acrobatics check doesn't use an action.   Root Costori Your body is made from hardy roots that attach you firmly to the ground. You gain 10 hit points from your Ancestry instead of 8. You can go without sunlight for 2 weeks before you begin to starve. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your Fortitude or Reflex DC against attempts to Shove or Trip you. This bonus also applies to saving throws against spells or effects that attempt to move you or knock you prone.   Seaweed Costori Your body is made from woven seaweed, and you're just as comfortable underwater as on land. You gain a swim speed of 20 feet, and you can always breathe underwater. However, your land speed is reduced by 5 feet (to 20 feet for most seaweed costori).


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