
Costori Heritages | Costori Ancestry Feats

You are not of flesh and blood, but rather of plant and tree bark. Your kind were given life from the Mystia which flows through the veins of all living things, as well as through the plants and the very earth itself. You owe your life to the Flow. Though your kind is still very new, you have a kind of curiosity of the world only matched by the human folk. You find it rather bizarre that other people actually eat vegetation, and it's rather sickening to you. You instead gain your sustenance from the sun and rotting plant matter and the earth itself.   It is thought by the scholars of the world that Costori were created by the many Mystia surges that dot the world in various places, and so your emergence has caused a new stir of research into these surges.

Basic Information


Costori come in all kinds of shapes and sizes, and even different varieties, such as leafy Costori or melon-head Costori.

Genetics and Reproduction

Costori are thought to sow seeds in order to reproduce. However they do not appear to have any such bi-gender morphology, so their genetics and reproduction are quite alien to other people.

Growth Rate & Stages

Costori, from what anyone can determine, seem to start out of seeds, and then grow into little plantlings, and eventually grow to full size, over the course of about a year or two. They grow rather quickly. However this means they die rather quickly as well.

Ecology and Habitats

Costori appear to be able to live just about anywhere, however they are some places they don't really care for. The desert region of Northern Almahna for instance, is much too hot and baren for them. And Gothica doesn't get any sun whatsoever, so that region is quite inhospitable to them.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They appear to gain their nourishment in much the same way as plants and fungi do, through a combination of photosynthesis, absorbing minerals through their roots, or scavenging decaying matter.

Biological Cycle

Costori can change quite drastically with the passing of the seasons. Such as leafy Costori, which appear to have blossoms in the spring time, and then bloom into full leaves and maybe even flowers in the summer, and turn yellow and red other such colours in the autumn, and then shed their leaves in the winter.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Costori are found in various biomes all over the world, typically wherever plant-life can grow.

Average Intelligence

Costori have a sapien level of intelligence, they are able to communicate effectively and use various tools.

Civilization and Culture


Costori are a rather new species in the world, having just recently emerged in the 3rd Age. Lately, however, there appear to be some fluctuations with the Flow that has caused Mystia Surges all over the world, and this has caused various changes in some Mystimon as well.
Also Known As Leshy
HP: 8
SZ: Small
Speed: 25 feet
Boosts: Con, Wis, Free
Flaws: Int
Languages: Common, Silverin, Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier (if it's positive).
Plant Nourishment: You gain nourishment in the same way that the plants or fungi that match your body type normally do, through some combination of photosynthesis, absorbing minerals with your roots, or scavenging decaying matter. You typically do not need to pay for food. If you normally rely on photosynthesis and go without sunlight for 1 week, you begin to starve. You can derive nourishment from specially formulated bottles of sunlight instead of natural sunlight, but these bottles cost 10 times as much as standard rations (or 40 sp).
Traits: Uncommon, Costori, Plant
Scientific Name
Costorian plantfolk
10 to 20 years.
Average Height
2 to 3 feet
Average Weight
Up to 100 lbs
Average Length
Average Physique
Most Costori are small and frail, though others may be bulkier.

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