
Cheetorex is a fiery feline Mystimon with a heart of gold. It is amongst the kindest creatures known, with an affection towards people. It has no fear of people at all. If it ever does sense danger it will let you know, loudly. Despite its body being covered in flames, these flames are actually cool to the touch, unless it for some reason doesn't like you, in which case these flames will burn you. Cheetorex are also known as amongst the fastest Mystimon, able to run at up to speeds of 70 to 80 mph.
However, in recent years, Cheetorex appear to have undergone some sort of change. Due to recent fluctuations in the Flow causing mystia surges the world over, as well as rifts that have opened in various places, some Cheetorex have undergone what scholars have dubbed a form change, as in they're not evo'ing but their form is changing, seemingly to match the environment. For example, Cheetorex in the Quatrica Islands have undergone a form change, becoming more of a Water colour creature and becoming more adept with water. Others in Olympus, in the Wild region, have become more of a leafy, grassy form. Scholars have now taken to giving names to all of the new forms.
Through some study, it is theorized that a summoner can cause this form change in Cheetorex at any time as well, simply by exposing it to a crystal charged with other Mystia colours. What's more, it has been found that when these alternate colour Cheetorexes do evo, they retain the new colour.

Basic Information


Cheetorex are four-legged feline creature with a body covered entirely in flames.

Biological Traits

Flame Body - Typically, the flames on its body are actually cool to the touch, as it has been known to be extremely trusting of people. However if it for some reason doesn't like you or if you attack it, these flames will burn.

Growth Rate & Stages

In recent years, Cheetorex appears to have gained the ability to transform, or Form Change as scholars have taken to calling the phenomenon, to match their environment or when exposed to a crystal charged with different colours of Mystia, with their Colour changing with it.

Ecology and Habitats

Generally most common in desert regions, new forms of this creature have begun appearing in other regions all over the world.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Colours Element-Flame
Scientific Name
30 years
Conservation Status
Cheetorex are highly common in desert regions.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Red and orange

Mystimon Companion

Senses Darkvision, Scent (Imprecise) 60 feet
Str +2, Dex +3, Con +1, Int -4, Wis +1, Cha +1
HP 8; Weaknesses Water (Equal to half level rounded up) Resistances Cold (Equal to half level rounded up).   Speed 35 feet
[Melee] Flame Bite (fire), Damage 1d6+2 piercing
[Ranged] Flame Blast (fire), Damage 1d6 fire
[Melee] Flame Wheel (fire), Damage 1d4+2 fire

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