Automaton Ancestry Feats

Automaton Core Ancestry Feats

-----Level 1-----

Floater Feat 1

You have been adapted to levitate. Once per day, you are able to rise up to 10 feet above the ground for up to 10 minutes. While levitating, you use your ground speed when you Stride.

Many-Armed Feat 1

You have multiple arms and the coordination to use them. You have four arms rather than just two and you reduce the number of free hands required to Climb or Trip by one. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Atlhetics checks.  

Many-Legged Feat 1

You have multiple legs. You have four legs rather than just two, and gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your Fortitude or Reflex DC's against attempts to Shove or Trip you. This bonus applies to saving throws against spells or effects that attempt to knock you prone.

Automaton Lore Feat 1

You have been preprogrammed with the knowledge and teachings passed down to you by your Creator God, Nivyn. You gain the trained proficiency rank in in any one skill. Also you are trained in Automaton Lore.  

Automaton Weapon Familiarity Feat 1

Your Creator God Nivyn programmed you to be adaptable and to use any weapon you come across, though there are some specially designed for you and your kin. You gain the trained proficiency rank in any two weapon types. Further you gain access to all uncommon Automaton weapons. For the purposes of determining proficiency, martial Automaton weapons are simple weapons, and advanced Automaton weapons are martial weapons.  

Custom Construction: Hulking Frame Feat 1

Your body is modified and designed larger and bulkier than others of your kin. Your size increases to Large and increase your maximum and encumbered Bulk limits by 2.  

Custom Construction: Long Arms Feat 1

Your arms are modified and made longer than others of your kin. Your weapon and unarmed attacks gain the Reach trait.  

Custom Construction: Long Legs Feat 1

Your legs are modified and made longer or larger than others of your kin. Your Speed increases by 5 feet.  

Custom Construction: Miniature Frame Feat 1

You have been modified and designed smaller than others of your kin. Your size decreases to Small and you reduce your maximum and encumbered Bulk limits by 2.  

Custom Construction: Solid Frame Feat 1

Your body is modified and designed to be sturdier than others of your kin. You gain 2 additional HP from your Ancestry.
------Level 5------

Automaton Weapon Strike Feat 5

Prerequisites: Automaton Weapon Familiarity
You've adapted the techniques passed on to you by your Creator God Nivyn, to get the best effects out of your Automaton weapons. Whenever you critically hit using the weapons selected in Automaton Weapon Familiarity or an Automaton Weapon, you apply the weapon's critical specialization effect.  

Living Weapon: Crushing Grip Feat 5

Prerequisites: Expert Unarmed Proficiency
You are a weapon, and your grip crushing. Your Unarmed attacks gain the Grab trait.  

Living Weapon: Hammer Hands Feat 5

You are a weapon, and swords and guns lose their luster for you. You gain a Slam unarmed attack dealing 2d6 bludgeoning damage. However, you now lack hands or fingers and can not take actions requiring them.  

Living Weapon: Shearing Jaw Feat 5

You are a weapon, or rather your jaws are. You think your Creator God made these for you to be like the Shiroshi or Hammerox of the seas. You gain a Jaws unarmed attack dealing 2d6 piercing damage.  

-----Level 9-----


Beam Weapon [2] Feat 9

Frequency: Once per minute
Choose one of the following: Fire, Cold, Lightning, Acid, or Sonic when you choose this feat. You gain a Beam Weapon of that element. You draw upon your battery preserves to unleash a beam of your chosen element in a 30 foot line, dealing 2d6 damage. The type of damage matches your chosen element. All creatures in the area must attempt a basic Reflex saving throw against your Class or Spell DC, whichever is higher. At 7th level and every 2 levels thereafter, this damage increases by 1d6.  

-----Level 13-----


Automaton Weapon Expertise Feat 13

Prerequisites: Automaton Weapon Familiarity
Your affinity with the weapon techniques passed down to you by your Creator God Nivyn blends with your training, granting you great skill with Automaton weapons. Whenever you gain a class feature that grants you Expert or greater proficiency in certain weapons, you also gain that proficiency for your weapons chosen in Automaton Weapon Familiarity and all Automaton weapons in which you are trained.


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