
Psionic Nomads

The Arkzani were a peaceful nomadic people who traveled all over the world. They would best be described as hippies, though this would be a derogatory term. They believed in natural healing, the power of quartz crystals, and the power of the mind over matter. They held tightly to their way of life, living off of the land and foregoing the advancements of modern society. Another derogatory term used for them in those times was 'Telepath', for their power of mind over matter was in fact real. They were psions, each of them having different psychic powers. Some clairvoyant folk would apply their power to see the future to doing future readings for people, looking into crystal balls, though this was only a medium for their power. Some could use quartz crystals to heal people. They were loved by most.   However, there was one group of people who had no love at all for them. Mages of the Mystia Academies. Wizards and sorcerers who owed their power to the Mystia which flowed through their veins. The mages saw them as frauds, believed their powers to be a hoax. They were the ones who coined the terms 'hippies' and 'Telepaths'. One day, their antagonism toward the Arkzani boiled over into an all out war. But the Arkzani were peace-loving folk, they never wanted a fight. They did not believe in violence, but some in their numbers believed strongly that the Mages started this fight and that they had to fight to protect their way of life. No one today knows the truth of who really started this fight. But it was one small group among the Arkzani who would end it, when they called on dark spirits they did not truly understand, and they would make a grave mistake that would ripple through out the ages. The effects of their mistake can still be felt today, perhaps to a greater degree. For they used the power of Necromovoir, calling upon Necro Spirits of the Void. They opened the gate to the Void. They caused the incident which created the World Tear in the heart of Atlantea.   The Arkzani fought and worked hard to close the World Tear. But the ripple effects remained, and the damage had been done. In the end, few of the Arkzani remained, and were scattered all over the world. Their bloodline still exists today, but it's a fraction of what it once was.   Now, after the armies of the Undead Kings rampaged across Atlantea and the Tribunal killed Brazius, the leader of the Undead Kings, that tiny ripple in the World Tear reopened. The portal to the Void is open once more, and the Ancient Ones are calling. . .


They disbanded after the war with the Mages ended in disaster. The survivors went their own ways. The bloodline of the Arkzani people still remains today, though it is a fraction of what it once was. Today, the descendants of the Arkzani, such as Kairine Kamuya, have actually taken a word once used as a derogatory term and owned it, 'Telepath'. Not only that, but Kairine was also the headmistress of the Almahna Mystia Academy before its destruction. The irony of this was never lost on her.

1536 - 1723

Geopolitical, Nomadic tribe
Alternative Names
Hippies, Telepaths, Psions, Psychics, Gypsies
Government System
Democracy, Direct
Economic System
Mixed economy


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