
Ahihana Heritages | Ahihana Ancestry Feats

These people weren't discovered until just recently, in the Third Age. Natives of Atlantea, they tend to be shy around other folk and fey and try to keep to themselves most of the time. They're not really too open to outsiders coming into their land, mostly around the Cascadian Mountains in Central Atlantea. Until the human professor, Garner Vronin, from the Almahna Academy, and his expedition just happened upon their village, the Ahihana were content to stay put and not really venture out. Now, a few have decided to go out and travel the world. They get to about 8 to 10 feet tall, with broader shoulders than that of humans. However, Ahihana is not anywhere near as attuned to Mystia as other races, and as a result are unable to cast magic.
They are considered giants in comparison to most other races. The only other race that rivals them in size are the Wekan. They tend to be a bit dim-witted compared to other races though, in their small communities their technology tends to be more primitive compared even Kongor. Some Ahihana are even scared of fire. However, they should not be considered dumb by any measure. There are some among their race who are smarter than others.

Basic Information


Ahihana are giant humanoid beings, larger than most other races, with broad shoulders and large muscles.

Ecology and Habitats

Ahihana are mostly adapted to mountainous regions, but live in very small tight-knit communities.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Ahihana are adept hunters, hunting large Mystimon, as well as cultivating vegetables and fruits growing in the wild regions around their communities.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

They have broad eyebrows, harder features, large eyes.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Ahihana's native homeland is around the Cascadian Mountains in Central Atlantea, and they mostly live in small tight-knit communities around mountainous regions.

Average Intelligence

Ahihana are rather dim-witted compared to other races, their technology level being more primitive even compared to Kongor.
HP: 12
Size: Large
Speed: 20ft
Boosts: Str, Cha, Free
Flaws: Dex
Language: Common, Ahihanish, Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier (if it's positive).
No Magic: Ahihana, unlike other creatures throughout the world, have no connection to the Mystia that flows through the trees and rocks, nor does it flow through their veins. As an Ahihana, you can not select any class or take a dedication feat with Mystia Casting.
Traits: Humanoid, Giant, Uncommon
Scientific Name
homo sapien giant
160 - 180 years
Average Height
8' - 10'
Average Weight
350 - 500 lbs

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