Ahihana Ancestry Feats

-----Level 1-----


Giant Push [R] Feat 1

Trigger: An enemy moves adjacent to you.
You don't like when enemies come near you. You attempt an Athletics check against the triggering foe's Fortitude DC. With success you push the foe back 5 feet. On a critical success, you push them back 10 feet and they land prone. On a critical failure, are knocked prone.

Ahihana Lore Feat 1

You have absorbed the teachings and stories passed down to you from generation to generation. You gain the trained proficiency rank in Athletics and Nature. If you would automatically become trained in one of those skills (from your background or class, for example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. You also become trained in Ahihana Lore.

Ahihana Weapon Familiarity Feat 1

You have been instilled with an affinity and preference for hard hitting, bludgeoning weapons, rather than more elegant arms. You would take a good club over a flimsy blade any day. You are trained with the club, warhammer, mace, morningstar, and greatclub.
You also gain access to all uncommon Ahihana weapons. For the purpose of determining your proficiency, martial Ahihana weapons are simple weapons, and advanced Ahihana weapons are martial weapons.

Terrain Runner Feat 1

There is no amount of terrain that can hold you back. With your large bulk, you can push your way through with little to no trouble at all. You can ignore difficult terrain caused by uneven ground, rubble, or trees. In addition when you attempt an Athletics check to Force Open, you don't need a crowbar, and you treat a success as a critical success.

Strong Blood Feat 1

You have learned to resist and shake off the effects of toxins. You gain poison resistance equal to half your level (minimum 1), and when you attempt a saving throw against a poison affliction, you may roll twice and keep the result you prefer.

Giant Stoutness Feat 1

There is no force that can knock down a giant. When a creature attempts to Shove or Trip you, treat a success as a critical success. In addition, if any effect would force you to move 10 feet or more, you are only moved half the distance.

-----Level 5-----


Ahihana Weapon Hardness Feat 5

Your weapons hit harder and stronger, and you know how to get the best effects out of them. Whenever you critically hit using a club, warhammer, mace, morningstar, greatclub, or Ahihana weapon, you apply the weapon's critical specialization effect.

Massive Strike [2] Feat 5

Prerequisites: Giant Push
You swing your weapon wide and hard and strike your foe with immense force. Make a weapon or unarmed strike. On a hit, the foe must attempt a Fortitude saving throw against your Athletics DC. With failure, they are pushed back 5 feet. On a critical failure, they are pushed back 10 feet, take 2d6 falling damage, and are knocked prone.

-----Level 9-----


Giant's Fortitude Feat 9

Prerequisites: Giant Stoutness
Your fortitude allows you to withstand more punishment than most before going down. Increase your maximum HP by your level. You also get a +1 circumstance bonus to recovery checks when you have the dying condition. If you have the Toughness feat, the HP gained from it and this feat are cumulative and you get a +4 circumstance bonus to recovery checks.

Giant Charge [2] Feat 9

Prerequisites: Giant Push
You charge at your foe and strike them in a single stride. Make a Stride in a straight line towards your foe and make a Strike. With a hit, your foe must attempt a Fortitude saving throw against your Athletics DC +2. With a failure they are knocked back 10 feet, and with a critical failure, they fly back 20 feet and take 4d6 falling damage, and knocked prone.

-----Level 13-----


Ahihana Weapon Expertise Feat 13


Prerequisites: Ahihana Weapon Familiarity

Your giant affinity blends with your training, granting you great skill with Ahihana weapons. Whenever you gain a class feature that grants you expert or greater proficiency in certain weapons, you also gain that proficiency for clubs, warhammers, maces, morningstars, greatclubs, and all Ahihana weapons in which you are trained.

Giant Intimidation Feat 13

Your giant muscles are more intimidating than your roar. When you make an Intimidation check, you use your Athletics bonus instead.


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