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You realized fast that you weren’t ever going to get a Corporate job or be tough enough to be a Solo. But you always knew you had a knack for figuring out what other people wanted, and how to get it for them. For a price, of course.

Now your deals have moved past the nickel-and-dime stuff into the big time. Maybe you move illegal weapons over the border. Or steal and resell medical supplies. Perhaps you’re a skill broker acting as an agent for highpriced Solos and ‘Runners, or even hiring a whole Nomad pack to back a client’s contracts. Your connections get into all kinds of businesses, deals, and political groups. Those contacts and allies form part of a vast web of intrigue and coercion.

If there’s a buzz about a new nightclub in the City, you’re already a part of it. If there are military class weapons on The Street, you smuggled ‘em in. If there’s a faction war going down, you’re negotiating between sides with an eye on the main chance. But you might not be solely in it for the bucks.

If someone needs to get the heat off, you’ll hide them. You get people housing when there isn’t any, and you bring in food when the streets are blockaded. Maybe you do it because you know they’ll owe you later, but you’re not sure. You’re one part Robin Hood and two parts AI Capone. In the past, they would have called you a crime lord. But in this fragmented, nasty, and deadly time, they call you a Fixer.

I don’t need to know what they’ll do with them. I’m just the middleman.
— Grease, Fixer


What kind of Fixer are you?
1d10 Type
1Broker deals between rival gangs
2Procures atypical resources for an exclusive clientele
3Brokers Solo or Tech services as their agent
4Supplies a regular resource like food or medicine
5Procures illegal resources like street drugs or milspec weapons
6Supplies resources for Techs an MedTechs
7Operates in several successful Night Markets
8Broker use of heavy machinery or vehicles
9Deals in scavenged parts from abandoned areas
1An exclusive agent for a Media, Rockerboy or Nomad pack
Got a partner? If so: Who?
1d6 Partner
1Family Member
2Old Friend
3Possible Romantic Partner
5Secret with gang connections
6Secret with corpo connections
What’s your “office” like?
1d6 Office
1You don’t have one; it’s all mobile
2A booth in a local bar
3It’s all Data Pool messages and dead drops
4Spare room in a warehouse, shop, or clinic
5An otherwise abandoned building
6The lobby of a cube hotel
Who are your side clients?
1d6 Clients
1Local Rockerboys or Medias who need gigs
2Local Bandits who also protect your work or home
3Corporate Execs who use you for “black project” procurement work
4Local Solos or other combat types looking for work
5Local Nomads and Fixers who use you to set up deals
6Local politicos or Execs who need information
Who’s Gunning for you?
1d6 Enemy
1Bandits who want you to work with them exclusively
2Rival Fixers trying to steal your clients
3Execs or Operatives who want you to work for them exclusively
4Enemy of a former client who wants to tie up loose ends — like you.
5Old client who thinks you screwed them over
6Rival Fixers trying to beat you out for resources
Connection Qustions

Ask these questions to different players about their characters to build existing relationships.

  • What deal did I broker that saved the life of you or someone you love?
  • What problem of yours did I find a way to get rid of?
  • What do you hope I’ll eventually find for you?

Role Ability

There are four components to your ability as a fixer’s to act as a smooth operator of The Street.

Contacts: These are the kinds of people you can easily get in touch with to ask for information, procure gear from, or otherwise deal with.

Reach: You can always source items in this price category or lower with little effort.

Haggle: Add your Role ability rank on top of the result of any Trading skill check to negotiate a price. You may also use COOL instead of INT as the primary Stat for such a roll. Only one Fixer can negotiate per side. Extra benefits from these are noted for various ranks.

Grease: Fixers quickly take in the cultural codes around them. As you gain ranks, you get increased understanding of those you live amongst. Starting at Rank 3, each rank in this Role ability also grants one rank in a Language Ability.

Fixer Ranks 1 and 2

Contacts: Local honcho, gang lord, the neighborhood leadership.

Reach: Cheap (€$10) and Everyday (€$20), even if normally unavailable.

Haggle: If successful, push the price up to 10% from market value.

Grease: You know the ins-and-outs of your immediate neighborhood, including all local gangs.

Fixer Ranks 3 and 4

Contacts: City gang honcho, minor politician, corp Exec, or someone well-known neighborhood

Reach: Expensive (€$50), even if normally unavailable.

Haggle: When you buy five or more items, you get an additional one for free.

Grease: You get insights into a specific culture represented in the area where you operate.

Fixer Ranks 5 and 6

Contacts: Major City Player, City politico, neighborhood celebrity

Reach: Once per month you can help set up a Night Market. When you’re part of setting it up you can source up to Super Luxury (€$10,000) items.

Haggle: If successful, you can negotiate the pay for a job up to 20% per person.

Grease: You are well versed in the customs of an additional two (total of three) cultures within the area you operate.

Fixer Ranks 7 and 8

Contacts: Local corp president, mayor or City manager, local celebrity

Reach: Expensive (€$500), even if normally unavailable.

Haggle: If successful when buying a Luxury (€$5,000) or Super Luxury (€$10,000) item, you may pay half immediately and the rest after a month. If you don’t hold up the deal, no one will do this with you again.

Grease: You blend in perfectly in at least six different cultures represented in or near where you operate.

Fixer Rank 9

Contacts: Divisional corp head, stat or City zone politico, well-known celebrity

Reach: Luxury (€$5,000), even if normally unavailable. When you set up a Night Market, you may add a Midnight Market within it to gather the leadership of the criminal underworld.

Haggle: If successful, you may adjust the price of the item by up to 20% of its market value.

Grease: You can seamlessly adapt to the context of any culture in your area, but also the internal category of corporations and government agency.

Fixer Rank 10

Contacts: Major world leader, major corporation head, world celebrity

Reach: Almost any item can be sourced, theoretically.

Haggle: If successful, you can negotiate up to double the pay per person for a dangerous job.

Grease: You can blend into almost any group, including tight in-groups and secret societies, given you have a moment to study them.

Starting Gear

Weapons and Armor
Starting Cyberware
PSYCHE loss: 16; Max PSYCHE reduced by 4.
Starting gear notes

Created by


Statblock Type

Cyberpunk Blue - Role
