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You’re an artist, and the human body is your canvas. If you’re lucky, you got to attend one of the real med schools scattered around the wreck of the Old United States. And after the War, military hospitals were everywhere and the few doctors on the war front needed helping hands to hold down screaming patients and splice cyberware back together. So, maybe you learned that way.   And there’s always an old ripperdoc or two out there who perform street surgery of various levels of legality. Maybe one of those guys trained you. Maybe that’s where you are right now, patching up the wounded, mending up the sick, and keeping the locals alive. For love, commitment, or maybe a just a fat payday on the side.   If you’re really lucky, you’ve scored a berth in the local Trauma Team franchise. Trauma Teams are groups of licensed paramedicals who patrol the city looking for patients. You operate from an AV-4 Urban Assault Vehicle, redesigned into an ambulance configuration, and armed with a belly-mounted minigun. It’s the best of the best— Trauma Team charges some heavy subscription fees to save its clients, and that translates into new medical toys, faster AV ambulances, and hefty salaries for the best surgeons around.   It doesn’t matter how you got here. What matters is that you’re here, on The Street, doing the job. And you’d be doing it no matter what the reason. It’s what marks you as a Medtech.  
I don’t have initials after my name, but I can fix that arm. Or you lose it. Your choice.
— Virgil “Redtail” Martinez


What kind of Medtech are you?

1d10 Type
2General Practitioner
3Trauma Medic
5Cyberpsycho Therapist
7Cryosystems operator
10Forensic Pathologist

If you have a partner, who?

1d6 Partner
1Trauma Team group
2Old friend
3Possible romantic partner
4Family member
5Secret partner with mob/gang connections
6Secret partner with corporate connections

What’s your workspace like?

1d6 Workspace
1Sterilized daily in the morning like clockwork
2It’s not state-of-the-art anymore, but comfortable to you
3Cryo equipment also keeps drinks cool
4Everything possible is single use and stored compacted until needed
5Not as clean as your patients would have hoped
6Meticulously organized, sharpened, and sterilized

Who are your main clients?

1d6 Clients
1Local fixers send you clients
2Local Bandits who protect your work or home in exchange for medical help
3Corporate Execs and Operatives who use you for “black project” medical work
4Solos and other combat types
5Local Nomads ad Fixers bring you wounded clients
6Trauma Team paramedical work

Where do you get your supplies?

1d6 Type
1Scavenge stashes of supplies in abandoned city zones
2Strip parts from bodies after firefights
3Have a local Fixer bring you supplies in exchange for medical work
4Corporate Execs or Trauma Team keeps you supplied in exchange for your services
5You have a backdoor into a few corporate or hospital warehouses
6You hit the Night Markets and score deals whenever you can
Connection Qustions

Ask these questions to different players about their characters to build existing relationships.

  • When did I save your life?
  • Who, close to you, did I fail to save?
  • How did your cyberware dramatically malfunction and I had to replace it?

Role Ability

As a Medtech, you have access to special wired components that allow you to perform tasks others can’t. When you gain a rank in the Medtech role ability, you also gain one rank in two different of these components. This is the only way to increase these!

Any one of the Medtech specialty Components can be used with TECH + Medicine to understand and use medical equipment. Used with TECH + Electronics, they can be used for repairs of such equipment.

Battle Medic

Unlike the other options, this doesn’t actually act as a component of its own. When you stabilize someone. applying a quick fix to a critical injury (page 83), or any other regular use of the Medicine skill not govered by this Role ability, add your ranks in this specialty to your roll.

Given ten minutes to care for someone’s wounds, you may heal them as many points as twice your ranks as Battle Medic. A person can only benefit from this healing once per day, but it is on top of other healing you can provide.


Treatment of serious critical injuries requires a TECH + Medicine (Surgery) check. It is also required to install any cyberware, do body-sculpting, and any other invasive procedure. Without a Medtech that has this specialty, none of these things are possible.


A TECH + Medicine (Pharmaceuticals) check can be used to analyze pharmaceutical compounds and drugs.

Each time you gain a rank in Pharmaceuticals, you learn how to synthesize one of the drugs listed here. Ingredients are €$100 (Premium) for a number of does equal to your rank in this specialty. Preparation of that many doses takes 1 hour and requires a DV15 TECH + Medicine (Pharmaceuticals) roll, wasting materials on a failure.

AntibioticA target that has already started the natural healing process heals an extra 2 Hit Points every day for the next week. They can only benefit from one antibiotic at a time.
ImmunosuppressantsThe PSYCHE loss from cyberware is reduced by 3d6 for the next 24 hours. Each piece still causes a minimum loss of 1 if it had any loss to begin with, or 2 if it’s borgware. A person can only benefit from one immunosuppressants use/week.
Myelin StrengthenerThe target’s neural pathways gain better insulation, increasing their RFLX by 1 for the next 2d6 hours. A person can only benefit from one dose/day.
RapidetoxThe target is immediately purged of any drug, poison, or intoxicant as if they body had broken it down in seconds.
RoidsThe target’s muscle fibers are strengthened on a nano-level, increasing their BODY by 1 for the next 2d6 hours. A person can only benefit from one dose/day.
RunnerspeedIf the target can perform NET actions, they are able to perform an additional NET action per round for the next hour.
SpeedhealA target who isn’t Mortally Wounded immediately heals Hit Points equal to their BODY. A person can only benefit from one Speedheal use/day.
StimFor the next hour, the target can ignore all penalties from being Seriously Wounded. A person can only benefit from one Stim use/day.
SurgeThe need for sleep is effectively paused in the target for the next 24 hours. A person can only benefit from one Surge use/week.
TorporAfter a couple of minutes, the target becomes unconscious for 2d6 hours and it takes a DV15 TECH + Medicine (any) check to detect any vitals. When making this dose, you also produce an antidote that will instantly wake the target as an action.

Applying a dose with an airhypo takes an Action. If the target is unwilling, you may make a BODY + Melee administering the dose instead of dealing damage on a hit. Someone without at least one rank as a Medtech can’t administer pharmaceuticals correctly. The effect might be pointlessly weak, dangerously potent, or have weird interactions when handled by someone without training.

Note that the medicine listed here is carefully calibrated for medical applications. It’s theoretically possible to use what you know to develop street drugs, but the details would have to be up to the GM.

Cryosystem Operation

A cryosystem requires a successful TECH + Medicine (Cryosystem Operation) check as an Action before it puts an enclosed body in stasis. The DV is 13 for a pump or 15 for a tank. Either allows for surgery without a risk of worsening conditions while the stasis lasts. A pump can function for a week it can maintain stasis while a tank lasts for as long as it has power. A tank also allow for complete body modification surgery. Only a Medtech with at least one rank in this specialty cna hope to operate a cryosystem.

At certain ranks, the Medtech gains access to equipment for free. It’s owned by the government, a corp, or Trauma Team; the Medtech is resposible for any damage or the like but it’s otherwise at their disposal. This is a perk of being well connected through a licence to practice.

11 basic cryopump
2You’re a registered Cryotank Technician with 24/7 access to a tank at a specific facility.
3You may instead have the tank in any appropriate room of your choosing.
4You instead have two cryopumps with two charges each.
5You have two additional tanks installed in a room, or rooms, of your choosing.
6You have three cryopumps, each with three charges and are able to hold two people.
7You have a total of six tanks, installed wherever you want them.
10You have access to any number of tanks, provided you give a good reason.

Starting Gear

Weapons and Armor
Starting Cyberware

PSYCHE loss: 12 (Max reduced by 4)

Starting gear notes

Created by


Statblock Type

Cyberpunk Blue - Role
