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Statblocks by type

Copyright of "Shared" Statblocks

Statblocks shared by the creators of World Anvil openly for the community falls under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International


Special gear that warrants its own block created by WriterV
ID Name Tags
Virtuality Goggles electronics netrunning
Excellent Quality Cyberdeck electronics netrunning
Poor Quality Cyberdeck electronics netrunning
Cyberdeck electronics netrunning
Radio Communicator spy-gear communications
Anti-Smog Breathing Mask basic-gear
BD Wreath media-gear
Tech Bag tech-gear
Techtool tech-gear
Road Flare basic-gear
Pocket Amplifier mustic-gear
Electric Guitar mustic-gear
Synthcoke drug illicit
Blue Glass drug illicit
Black Lace drug illicit
Glowstick basic-gear
Duct Tape basic-gear
Video Camera media-gear
Scrambler/Descrambler spy-gear
Radio Scanner/Music Player basic-gear
Audio Recorder basic-gear
Binoculars basic-gear spy-gear
Disposable Phone basic-gear electronics
Computer electronics
Bug Detector spy-gear
MedTech Bag medical-gear
Glow Paint basic-gear
Flashlight basic-gear
Handcuffs basic-gear
AirHypo medical-gear
Agent basic-gear electronics