rainfax Progress Report

Arachhian Empire

The most powerful empire of the prehistoric Age of Ist, ruled by Arachhians (spiders)

571 words

Queen - Anthropodian

The female ruler of an anthropodian civilization, territory, hive, or colony.

91 words


253 words

The Life & Times of Onochar the Great

A fake "history" on the conquering of a prehistoric empire, believed to be true for hundreds of years.

184 words

Funa Onochar

Funa Onochar was an archaeologist and writer of the Middle Age, best known for his fake history "The Life & Times of Onochar the Great" (6038)

838 words


Bachmat is a large city in eastern Ghazia, the location of the Anc'Tarith, a massive closed-city district of white towers.

185 words

rainfax Progress so far

2122 words 21.22% completed!

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