
Mystimon Summoner

You have unlocked secret arts of Mystimon Summoning at the cost of the Evolution feat normally granted at level 1, granting you special abilities and a powerful Mystimon Partner which, through your bond, can go much further than any imprinted Mystimon. Your mind is also like an encyclopedia when it comes to Mystimon, and you become Trained in the Mystiary lore skill. Your Mystiary lore skill uses your key ability modifier instead of Intelligence.   Choose one of the available Mystimon Partners to become your partner. Your Mystimon Partner is your Eidolon for all intents and purposes and you gain all of the abilities you normally would with a real Eidolon.  

Mystimon Feats

As a Mystimon Summoner, you can also take Mystimon Feats. These feats expand on your mastery of the Mystimon Summoning arts and may even allow your Mystimon Partner to Evolve. Any feats like this will have the Mystimon tag.

Articles under Summoner


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