Revenge of the Undead Kings
Eira watches as Frezlor comes in for a landing at the Wingnut Bluffs, and purses her lips as she sees who is on her back. Luna smiles back at her and waves. In that moment, all of the cruel things Luna had said to her before floods back into her mind as she clenches her fists, a single tear falling from her eye.
Kuai notices as she comes up beside her. "Snowy. . . it will be okay," she says gently.
But Eira doesn't hear her as she whips around and starts running. She has no direction or aim, she's just running. As far away as she can. "Snowy!" she can hear Kuai call after her. "Eira!" Luna calls after her. But she doesn't stop. She keeps running.
The woods around you all grows dark. The air around you grows cold. Your breaths come out in wisps of cold vapor. Everything around you is still and quiet.
Straight into the woods line, Eira ruins. Further and further through the trees and growth, tears streaming from her eyes. I can't forgive her. I just can't! she thinks to herself. Deeper into the woods she goes, not even noticing or realizing as the woods around her grows darker and quieter.
The air around you grows colder and colder, as cold breezes start to pick up all around you.
Finally Eira comes to a stop, as she slumps behind a fallen tree, and tears are streaming from her eyes. Then suddenly, she stops, as she looks around her. Strange. I don't hear a single Mystimon. . . Not a single bird or insect or anything. It's all quiet. Too quiet. Her curiosity is piqued as she realizes the fallen tree she's sitting behind is not the only one here. There are dozens of fallen trees, all around her.
Then comes a cold breeze, her hair standing on end. She starts to get up. Something feels. . . wrong here.
Those cold breezes turn into winds, as you are chilled to your bones. You catch a whiff of a pungent aroma in the air.
And then you hear a cold raspy voice echoing all through out the woods, at the same time as Eira hears it from where she is.
"Such a fool he is. Chasing the Guardians, is all he ever does. . . when it is so much easier. . . to let the Guardians. . . come to you instead. . ." says the voice.
Eira starts to back up, as she begins to call on all of the cold air around her, forming huge balls of ice and snow in her hands. The voice cackles. "And what pray tell do you think that will do? . . . the cold doesn't bother me. . . isn't that what you always say?"
"Who are you? Show yourself!" says Eira, defiantly. But her own confidence betrays her as her voice cracks.
The voice cackles. "Look whose spirit is broken. Good. Now the prey is ripe for the taking."
The cold breezes turn into small tornadoes, three of them surrounding Eira, and yet more surrounding you, as bones and debris are seemingly sucked up into the funnels, forming and coalescing into boney skeletal creatures.
Eira flings the ice balls at the approaching skulms. But they seem to only be absorbed by the creatures. She backs away slowly as her eyes go wide and she freezes up. The larger skulm approaching her rears up its huge arm and readies to strike her. She closes her eyes.
More skulms now surround you all. As you look closely you can see that these are different from others you've seen before, such as Coco back at the ranch. These seem to have a layer of rime and frost covering their bones. They approach you. . . as I must ask you all to roll for initiative.
Through out this battle, any Fey characters will be targeted by the Skulms, as they try to capture them.
(After the first round)
Eira's eyes are closed shut as she awaits the strike, knowing the end is coming, knowing her magic will do nothing against these creatures, when all of a sudden a figure leaps afront of her and deflects the attack away. "Hands off my daughter, you son of a bitch!" says a familiar voice.
Eira looks up and her eyes go wide with shock and surprise as she sees her mother standing there between her and the skulms. . . and her eyes are glowing! ". . . Luna?" she says meekly. Luna looks back at her, her eyes glowing a bright violet, with a smile.
"I've got you, Eira," her mother says, as Kuai comes up beside her and holds out a hand to her. She smiles as she takes her hand.
"Alone my magic does nothing to these creatures. . . but maybe if we combine our magic. . ." Eira says to Kuai.
Kuai notices as she comes up beside her. "Snowy. . . it will be okay," she says gently.
But Eira doesn't hear her as she whips around and starts running. She has no direction or aim, she's just running. As far away as she can. "Snowy!" she can hear Kuai call after her. "Eira!" Luna calls after her. But she doesn't stop. She keeps running.
The woods around you all grows dark. The air around you grows cold. Your breaths come out in wisps of cold vapor. Everything around you is still and quiet.
Straight into the woods line, Eira ruins. Further and further through the trees and growth, tears streaming from her eyes. I can't forgive her. I just can't! she thinks to herself. Deeper into the woods she goes, not even noticing or realizing as the woods around her grows darker and quieter.
The air around you grows colder and colder, as cold breezes start to pick up all around you.
Finally Eira comes to a stop, as she slumps behind a fallen tree, and tears are streaming from her eyes. Then suddenly, she stops, as she looks around her. Strange. I don't hear a single Mystimon. . . Not a single bird or insect or anything. It's all quiet. Too quiet. Her curiosity is piqued as she realizes the fallen tree she's sitting behind is not the only one here. There are dozens of fallen trees, all around her.
Then comes a cold breeze, her hair standing on end. She starts to get up. Something feels. . . wrong here.
Those cold breezes turn into winds, as you are chilled to your bones. You catch a whiff of a pungent aroma in the air.
And then you hear a cold raspy voice echoing all through out the woods, at the same time as Eira hears it from where she is.
"Such a fool he is. Chasing the Guardians, is all he ever does. . . when it is so much easier. . . to let the Guardians. . . come to you instead. . ." says the voice.
Eira starts to back up, as she begins to call on all of the cold air around her, forming huge balls of ice and snow in her hands. The voice cackles. "And what pray tell do you think that will do? . . . the cold doesn't bother me. . . isn't that what you always say?"
"Who are you? Show yourself!" says Eira, defiantly. But her own confidence betrays her as her voice cracks.
The voice cackles. "Look whose spirit is broken. Good. Now the prey is ripe for the taking."
The cold breezes turn into small tornadoes, three of them surrounding Eira, and yet more surrounding you, as bones and debris are seemingly sucked up into the funnels, forming and coalescing into boney skeletal creatures.
Eira flings the ice balls at the approaching skulms. But they seem to only be absorbed by the creatures. She backs away slowly as her eyes go wide and she freezes up. The larger skulm approaching her rears up its huge arm and readies to strike her. She closes her eyes.
More skulms now surround you all. As you look closely you can see that these are different from others you've seen before, such as Coco back at the ranch. These seem to have a layer of rime and frost covering their bones. They approach you. . . as I must ask you all to roll for initiative.
Through out this battle, any Fey characters will be targeted by the Skulms, as they try to capture them.
(After the first round)
Eira's eyes are closed shut as she awaits the strike, knowing the end is coming, knowing her magic will do nothing against these creatures, when all of a sudden a figure leaps afront of her and deflects the attack away. "Hands off my daughter, you son of a bitch!" says a familiar voice.
Eira looks up and her eyes go wide with shock and surprise as she sees her mother standing there between her and the skulms. . . and her eyes are glowing! ". . . Luna?" she says meekly. Luna looks back at her, her eyes glowing a bright violet, with a smile.
"I've got you, Eira," her mother says, as Kuai comes up beside her and holds out a hand to her. She smiles as she takes her hand.
"Alone my magic does nothing to these creatures. . . but maybe if we combine our magic. . ." Eira says to Kuai.
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