Puffet Feats

Level 1


Harmless Doll Feat 1

Puffet   You look like nothing more than an ordinary toy, doll, or statuette, and you can fool others with your innocuous appearance. You gain the trained proficiency rank in Deception (or another skill if you're already trained in Deception), and you can Impersonate an inanimate toy or a mindless poppet. You can Hide without any cover or concealment from creatures that don't realize you're alive, so long as you're in a location where a toy of your shape wouldn't be out of place, like a carnival booth, city street, or toy shop (at the GM's discretion). If you succeed, onlookers still see you, but they mistake you for an inanimate toy. After being fooled once, they realize you're alive, and you can't Hide from them in that way again.  

Helpful Puffet Feat 1

Puffet   You're particularly skilled at helping others with a task. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on checks to Aid, and you don't give your ally a –1 circumstance penalty to their check if you critically fail your attempt to Aid.  

Quadruped Feat 1

Puffet   You were crafted in a form with four legs rather than two. Your Speed is 30 feet.   Special You can take this feat only at 1st level, and you can't retrain into or out of this feat.  

Shiny Button Eyes Feat 1

Puffet   You've polished your eyes to reflect the smallest details in dimmest light. You gain the Canny Acumen skill feat as a bonus feat, but you must choose Perception. Additionally, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Perception checks against visual illusions.  

Wash Out Feat 1

Puffet   Toxins seep out of your artificial body quickly. Each time you succeed at a Fortitude save against an ongoing poison, you reduce its stage by 2, or by 1 against a virulent poison. Each critical success you achieve against an ongoing poison reduces its stage by 3, or by 2 against a virulent poison.  

Level 5

Cunning Tinker Feat 5

Puffet   Time spent tending to your own form has unlocked your ability to fix other things. You can cast 1st-level mending once per day as an arcane innate spell. At 7th level, the spell is heightened to 2nd level, and every 3 levels thereafter, the spell is heightened an additional spell level. Even though you're alive and not an object, and you can't normally recover Hit Points from effects that repair objects (like the Repair skill), you can target yourself with this innate spell and use it to recover Hit Points.  

Histrionic Injury (R) Feat 5

Mental, Puffet
Frequency Once per hour
Trigger A creature you can see damages you with a melee strike.   You respond with a startled look, dramatic pratfall, or theatrical arm-flailing that stymies your attacker. The attacker must succeed at a Will saving throw against your class DC or spell DC, whichever is higher, or become stupefied 1 for 1 round (stupefied 2 on a critical failure).  

Nothing But Fluff Feat 5

Prerequisities Stuffed Puffet   Your fluffy interior lacks specific organs and struts, with few weak spots to injure. You gain resistance to precision damage equal to half your level.  

Sealed Puffet Feat 5

Puffet   You've reinforced your interior parts with sealant or other flame-retardant materials, protecting you from fire. You no longer have the weakness to fire from the flammable ability.   Special You can't take this feat if you're a stuffed poppet.  

Spark of Independence (2) Feat 5

Puffet   You touch a creature with the minion trait and share the heightened sense of autonomy you've discovered. The minion is quickened for 1 round and is then temporarily immune for 10 minutes. It can use this extra action to Step, Stride, or Strike.  

Swimming Puffet Feat 5

Puffet   Your fins, flippers, or other accessories assist with steering you through water. You gain a swim Speed of 15 feet.  

Level 9

Scaling Puffet Feat 9

Puffet   Your construction integrates ropes, hooks, or other tools to help you move across steep surfaces. You gain a climb Speed of 15 feet.  

Wheedle and Jig Feat 9

Puffet   You make capering motions and silly sounds to captivate onlookers. You can cast enthrall as a 3rd-level arcane innate spell once per day.  

Level 13

Impossible Gossip Feat 13

Uncommon, Puffet   You can speak to inanimate objects, finding a magical spark within them similar to the one that animated you. You can cast stone tell once per day as an arcane innate spell, but instead of speaking with natural or worked stone, you speak with toys, statues, or other three-dimensional inanimate objects crafted to mimic a creature's appearance, regardless of their composition. The GM has discretion over which objects you can speak with and what they know, although objects generally have a good opinion of those who have cared for them and a poor opinion of those who have neglected or ignored them.  

Reanimating Spark Feat 13

Frequency Once per day
Trigger You have the dying condition and are about to attempt a recovery check.   The magic that animates you strains to keep you alive. You're restored to 1 Hit Point, lose the dying and unconscious conditions, and can act normally on this turn. You gain or increase the wounded condition as normal when losing the dying condition in this way.  

Squirm Free (R) Feat 13

Trigger A creature Grabs, Immobilizes, or Restrains you.   You're used to slipping out of a bigger creature's grasp or escaping a child's overly enthusiastic hug. You attempt to Escape.  

Level 17

Restitch Feat 17

Puffet   You've learned how to sew even the most terrible tears and wounds together. You can cast regenerate as a 7th-level arcane innate spell once per day.  

Soaring Puffet Feat 17

Puffet   Your construction has flaps of cloth or wicker that can keep you aloft. You gain a fly Speed of 15 feet.


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