Orsine Feats

1st Level


Bear Hug [1] Feat 1

Orsine, Radiant, Healing, Manipulate
Prerequisites Trained in Diplomacy
Requirements Both of your hands are free   Your welcoming, warm embrace strengthens the resolve ofyour friends and allies. You wrap your arms around an adjacent allied creature and attempt a Diplomacy check with the same DC as Treat Wounds and restore the corresponding amount of HP; this doesn't remove the wounded condition. As with Treat Wounds, you can attempt checks against higher DCs if you have the minimum proficiency rank. The target is then temporarily immune to your Bear Hug for 1 day.  

Bottom Bouncer [R] Feat 1

Trigger You take damage from falling   You are remarkably bouncy and spry. Make an Acrobatics check, against DC 10 + damage you took from the fall. On a success, you Stand and Leap. On a critical success, you Stand and Long Jump or High Jump, your fall fulfills the need for the initial stride.  

Bug Buddies Feat 1

Orsine   The tiny creatures skittering over the ground communicate as a collective group and you can glimpse their language. You can ask questions of, receive answers from, and use the Diplomacy skill with insectile animals that have the swarm trait, such as bees, termites, beetles and spiders. The GM determines which animals count for this ability.  

Claws Out Feat 1

Orsine   You defend your friends using your natural gifts. You gain a claw unarmed attack that deals 1d6 slashing damage. Your claws are in the brawling group and have the agile and unarmed traits.  

Heavy Landing Feat 1

Requirements Under the effects of leaper's elixir   When you Succeeed at a Long Jump or High Jump, choose a single creature adjacent to where you end your movement . That creature becomes flat-footed until the beginning of their next turn.  

Honey Tummy [F] Feat 1

Orsine, Fortune
Frequency Once per day
Trigger You fail a Fortitude saving throw.   Stomach pains can be overcome, lest they get in the way of snacks and meals. You can reroll the triggering saving throw and use the better result.  

Merry Mix [1] Feat 1

Orsine, Manipulate
Frequency Once per day
Prerequisite You can Craft leaper's elixir   You speedily shake up a short-lived bottle of merry juice. You create a single leaper’s elixir that's in your formula book without having to spend the normal monetary cost in alchemical reagents or needing to attempt a Crafting check. The leaper’s elixir created this way remains potent only until the start of your next turn. At 9th level, increase the frequency to two times per day. At 17th level, the frequency increases to three times per day.  

Orsine Lore Feat 1

Orsine   You’ve been chosen by your clan to learn the secrets of Orsine culture. You gain the trained proficiency rank in Crafting and Athletics. If you would automatically become trained in Crafting or Athletics, you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. You also become trained in Orsine Lore.  

Silly Little Orsine Feat 1

Orsine, Emotion, Mentall, Visual   You make those around you feel safe and comfortable, even your failures prove you endearing. When another creature observes you fail an Acrobatics, Athletics, Performance or Lore check, gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Request and Make an Impression checks against those creatures for 10 minutes. If you suffered a critical failure on the check, gain a +2 circumstance bonus instead.  

5th Level


Dribble [1] Feat 5

Orsine, Move
Requirements Must be under the effects of leaper's elixir.
Duration Until the start of your next turn.   You fall to your rump and begin bouncing rapidly, rising to as high as 8 ft. You have concealment while dribbling. You can begin to dribble while prone. You cannot Swim, Fly or Stride over difficult terrain while dribbling.  

Grub Rustler Feat 5

Orsine   The endless pursuit of honey has taught you well to deal with bees and their ilk. Your melee Strikes deal 1d6 additional precision damage to creatures with the Swarm trait. In addition, creatures with the Swarm trait lose immunity to your precision damage.  

Luxurious Fur Feat 5

Orsine   Your glossy, thick fur is well-manicured and styled. Your hair rebuffs petty blades and the freezing cold. Choose one of the following damage types: slashing or cold. You gain resistance 5 to that damage type. If you choose cold and have the Snowdrop Orsine heritage, when you roll a Success on a saving throw against an effect with the Cold trait, you get a Critical Success instead.  

Pest Control Feat 5

Orsine   Harvesting honey and tending to your garden exposed you to many types of vermin. You’ve grown accustomed to their stings and bites. When you attempt a saving throw or skill check against creatures with the swarm trait, treat your degree of success as one step higher.  

Power Nap [F] Feat 5

Prerequisite Cosy Orsine heritage
Requirements You are unconscious.
Frequency Once per day   Life as an adventurer hardly allows for the amount of sleep you would prefer so you’ve learned to get your winks in where you can. You recover hit points equal to your level plus your constitution modifier. You remain unconscious, but you can wake up as described in that condition.  

Sudden Spring Feat 5

Orsine   Your body draws on the trace amounts of merry juice circulating within you. You can cast jump once per day as a 1st-level primal innate spell.  

Symbols of Friendship Feat 5

Prerequisite Belly Rune Orsine heritage.   Light disperses from your symbols and emits a warm, glowing beam around a foe or friend. Once per day you may cast either Charm or Sanctuary as a 1st-level primal innate spell. You can cast this primal innate spell once per day.  

9th Level


Bounce on By [F] Feat 9

Requirements You are under the effects of leaper's elixir.   You’ve learned the technique of bouncing so hard into your opponent, it knocks them back and propels you forward. Rather than Stride after a pushed creature following a successful Shove action, you can attempt a High Jump or Long Jump in any direction.  

Fluffball [1] Feat 9

Frequency Once every 10 minutes.
Duration Until the start of your next turn.   Your incredibly thick fur puffs out. You become Clumsy 1, gain Concealment, and your size grows to Large. Medium-sized and smaller allied creatures may occupy the same space as you, also gaining concealment. Enemy creatures caught in your expanded fluff attempt Reflex saves against your Fortitude DC. On a failure, you choose what direction they are pushed. On a success, the creature Steps in a direction of its choosing.  

Jumper's Blitz Feat 9

Requirements You are under the effects of leaper's elixir, you've completed a Long Jump or High Jump adjacent to an enemy creature.   You’ve learned to arc your jumps into your Strikes, using the momentum from your magnificent bounds to bolster your attack. Gain a +4 circumstance bonus to damage to your next melee Strike.  

Microhibernate [3] Feat 9

Prerequisite Cozy Orsine heritage
Frequency Once per day   You are the best at sleeping! Spend 10 minutes sleeping and when you wake from unconsciousness, gain Hit Points equal to the amount of Hit Points you would recover by resting 8 hours. In addition, you are no longer fatigued and can reduce the severity of the doomed and drained conditions by 1.  

Magic is Friendship Feat 9

Prerequisite Belly Rune Orsine heritage   The symbols of friendship on your body are emboldened and animate as you cast your magic. You can cast calm emotions and shield other once per day each as 2nd-level primal innate spells.  

13th Level


And A Little Kiss Feat 13

Prerequisite Bear Hug   Your innermost feelings and care are felt through your hugs and kisses. As part of using your Bear Hug ability you can also attempt a Diplomacy check to counteract a single fear effect that the target suffers from.  

Bounceout [R] Feat 13

Orsine, Move
Requirements You are under the effects of leaper's elixir.
Trigger An enemy fails to hit you with a melee weapon or unarmed attack.   You jump away from an enemy when they give you an opening. You can attempt a Long Jump or High Jump action.  

Endear [1] Feat 13

Orsine, Mental, Visual, Emotion, Incapacitation   Your affectation, demeanor and rotund disposition make you an unattractive candidate to enact violence upon. Choose a creature within 30 feet of you who you’re aware of. Attempt a Performance, Deception or Diplomacy check against that creature’s Will DC. If the target is evil aligned, you take a -2 circumstance penalty to this check. If you use hostile actions against the target, the effect ends.   Critical Success The target cannot take hostile actions against you for 1 minute.
Success The target cannot take hostile actions against you for 1 round.
Failure The target is unaffected and immune to your attempts to Endear it for 1 day  

Happy Tidings Feat 13

Orsine, Healing, Mental   Making others happy brightens your heart and soul. Whenever you cast a non-cantrip spell with the Positive, Healing or Composition traits, gain temporary Hit Points equal to half your level. Until the beginning of your next turn, treat Successful Will saving throws as if they were Critical Successes.  

Perfect Picnic [3] Feat 13

Frequency Once per day   You spread out a blanket and curate the perfect arrangement of food and drink for your companions. As an hour long activity, you and up to 7 other creatures eat and drink your fill. Creatures who participate in the picnic gain the effects of having rested for 8 hours. (This activity does not allow a spellcaster to regain or renew available spell slots)  

17th Level


Beacon of Peace [1] Feat 17

Orsine, Mental, Enchantment, Primal, Incapacitation
Prerequisite Belly Rune Orsine heritage   You activate your friendship symbol and emanate a warm, comforting glow. Enemies within 30 feet of you must attempt a Will saving throw against your class DC or spell DC, whichever is higher.   Critical Success The creature is unaffected
Success The creature cannot take hostile actions against you for 1 round
Failure The creature cannot take hostile actions for 1 round
Critical Failure The creature cannot take hostile actions for 1 minute  

Best Friend [1] Feat 17

Orsine   You designate a single creature as your best friend and focus your care and attention towards that creature. You must be able to see or hear your best friend. You can have only one creature designated as your best friend at a time. If you designate a new best friend creature when you already have a best friend, the prior creature loses the designation and the new best friend gains the designation. The designation is otherwise permanent.   You gain the following ability while you have a designated best friend:  

I'll Save You [R]

Trigger Your best friend is reduced to 0 Hit Points.   Take two actions. These actions may only be used to Leap, Stride, cast a spell with the healing trait, or Strike the creature that reduced your designated best friend to 0 Hit Points


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