Hidden Archives
The Hidden Archives is a secret division of The Wayfinders Society established in 2743 3A in order to study and investigate the strange, weird, and paranormal events going on in the world at an ever increasing rate. Their particular focus of late is on the incursion of horrific alien creatures of The Void and Necro Spirits unto our world in recent years, potentially driven by a cult known as the Scions of the Void and their leader, Xulgoth Alduin.
Originally known as the Spirit Bureau in years prior to 2743 3A, the investigators of the Hidden Archives came to live on Foxhollow Ranch in 2741 3A after it was gifted to them for services rendered by the Sabertooth people of Zulamba. But almost immediately, they began experiencing strange and weird events on this ranch that to this day they can't fully explain or even begin to comprehend truly.
The Hidden Archives is a group of investigators charged with the investigation the strange, weird, and paranormal.
The Hidden Archives currently resides on a ranch in Zulamba, known as Foxhollow Ranch. This ranch is known for its own strange and weird happenings, and the investigators continue to experience and investigate these events on their own time.
Founding Date
2743 3A
Alternative Names
Formerly known as the Spirit Bureau.
Archivists, Investigators
Controlled Territories