Enrollment in Almahna Academy

Life, Education


Cormac enrolls in the Almahna Academy and begins his studies.

At the conclusion of his contract, Whisper of Silk is docked in Calrune. Cormac is offered an extension of the contract, at least until they return to Highwind but he declines. Taking his earnings, Cormac applies to the Almahna Mystia Academy. He is accepted and begins study.   In 2729, taken with the incredible architecture of the Calrune and the Academy in particular, Cormac is inspired to pursue Earth Mystia, instead of the Water or Air that he had originally intended. Initially, Cormac is disgruntled by the religious overtones in his chosen field but gradually begins to appreciate the role the gods play in the lives of his teachers and fellow students. The hard edges of his former atheism soften and Cormac decides that it doesn’t matter whether or not the gods truly exist, only what they inspire people to do. Cormac quickly learns Almahnan to be able to converse in his new home.   In 2733, Halfway through his schooling at the Almahna Mystia Academy, Cormac has proven to be an excellent student, if not a terribly sociable one. Other than a few exceptions, Cormac finds that he has little in common with his peers, given his Vikarahn ancestry, working-class roots, age and religious belief (or lack thereof). He spends most of his free time working part-time jobs and studying. With the remainder, he visits ruins in and around Calrune, sketching in his notebook imaginings of what their architecture looked like in its heyday. Cormac learns Ancient Almahnan and Ancient Saurusian as part of his studies to better understand the local ruins.   in 2735, The ascension of Stormbreak changes Cormac’s life irreparably. While he has no biases against the theocrat, Highwind’s government’s sanctions create instant tension wherever he goes. While the Academy takes no official action against him, Cormac can feel the common people of the city turning against him in an uncomfortable reminder of the shame and judgement he felt growing up in a pariah family in Strovengar. Cormac quits going out into the city and ruins in his spare time, staying within the Academy and focusing on completing his education.   Finally, in 2737, In his final year at the Academy, it is attacked and destroyed by two of the Dragon Lords. Cormac is in the lowest levels of the building at the time, teaching a group of first years. As the building collapses around them, Cormac is able to use his Geomancy to prevent their chamber from falling in but they are trapped by the rubble. Over the course of the two weeks it takes for rescue to arrive, Cormac produces food, treats injuries and does whatever he can to keep moral up. By the time their chamber is finally unearthed, almost everyone is still alive. Almost.   A changed Cormac returns to a changed world. The school is gone and there are few friendly faces for a Vikarahn on the streets of wartorn Calrun. He briefly assists in reconstruction efforts on the Academy but the fresh memories of his experiences in the rubble cause him nervous breakdowns any time he is near the former Academy. Cormac jumps between jobs, from a wartime hospital to smithing armor for soldiers to aiding in reconstruction efforts. In the smithy, Cormac learns to use heavy armor in case of terrorist attacks. For the most part, Cormac stays away from the worst of the fighting but his newfound skills save his life more than once. He is forced to take his first life during this period.

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