
Wraithlen are wraith spirits whose motives are unknown to us. They have no legs and instead levitate through the air. Their appearance appears lich-like, and they feed on the life force of living beings, whether Mystimon or folk/fey. Once they get a taste for one's life force, they will continue to chase after them until they are either dead or the Wraithlen itself is banished. Running from one is not easy, made even harder by the sheer fact that they seem to live in packs of three or more. They will not let up either. They are fiercely determined. When they are nearby, it is not wise to fall asleep. At the very least, one should always sleep with one eye open at all times. They have one disadvantage: light. Any kind of light, be it Light colour magic or even just the light of a torch. Waving a torch before them will chase them off, if but for a time, and sleeping nearby a campfire will keep them away. At least until they figure out how to put the fire out. Then it would be best to run and keep running.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Stage 1 Wraithlen > Stage 2 Wraithar

Dietary Needs and Habits

They feed on the vital essence of living and undead creatures.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Darkvision, and they can sense the vital essence and Mystia of living and undead creatures.

Mystimon Companion

Senses X Str +2, Dex +2, Con +1, Int -4, Wis +1, Cha +0 HP X; Weaknesses X (Equal to half level rounded up) Resistances X (Equal to half level rounded up).   Speed X

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