
Perhaps the most bizarre creature in all of the Quatrica Islands, these strange small humanoid creatures with oversized masks covering the majority of their body are also feared. For many ages, there have been strange disappearances throughout the Islands, for which, Voodoox have largely been blamed, making them something of a mythical creature. There's never been any evidence for their involvement in these disappearances, but they are bizarre nonetheless.
These creatures have mostly been found living in family groups ruled over by their final evo form, Voodoom. When threatened, they perform bizarre and strangely alluring dances which seem to baffle and confuse their enemies. They also seem to have telekinetic powers similar to that of Warrior.

Basic Information


They are small, humanoid creatures, possessing over sized and bizarre tiki masks which cover the majority of their body.

Growth Rate & Stages

They evo into Voodool, and later into Voodoom.

Dietary Needs and Habits

No one is entirely sure what they eat.

Additional Information

Social Structure

They live in family groups, known as tribes, ruled over by their chief, Voodoom.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Mostly found in the Quatrica Islands, in remote areas.

Average Intelligence

Unknown, thought to be quite high.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have the extrasensory ability to sense the life energies of other creatures.

Voodoox Creature 1

Small, Fey, Spirit, Magical
Perception +10, Lifesense
Skills: Arcana +9, Occultism +9, Performance +7
Str -4, Dex +3, Con +1, Int +3, Wis +3, Cha +1
AC 14; Fort +3, Ref +10, Will +13
HP 14; Resistances: Force 3, Weaknesses: Shadow 2, Radiant 3
Speed: 25 feet
Meele [1] Pummel Whack +5, Damage 1d4+2 Bludgeoning
Tiki Dance [2] (10 ft aura, magical, mental) Voodoox dances in an unusual way, creating a rhythmic aura around it. Creatures within 10 feet of Voodoox must attempt a Will save against its Performance DC or become confused.
Colours Spirit
Scientific Name
20 years


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