
Vikarahn Heritages | Vikarahn Ancestry Feats

Medium size people with a heavy stature, Vikarahns are a bit shorter than humans, and originate from the mountain continent, Highwind. According to their oral traditions, they colonised Highwind first, long before the Cowins ever came to live there, and the evidence seems to speak for itself, as ancient Vikarahn ruins and monuments litter the mountainous regions of Highwind. While they do mine the mountains of their homeland for ore, they are most known for their ventures out to sea, where they are considered some of the greatest sailors in all the world. Due to some peculiarity of their species, they do not get sea sickness like other species are prone to. Vikarahns are infamously strictly atheist people, having no belief in any such gods, and will often tend to mock other species for their beliefs. They are a very curt people, known for speaking their mind, even when their opinions might hurt the feelings of others. Instead, they honour their ancestors, with traditional ceremonies designed to honour the dead, and building massive monuments to honour their royal ancestors. But they do not bury their dead. Instead, in their tradition, Vikarahns receive a burial at sea. Being a traditional people, they will tend to hold steadfast to their traditions, even when it interferes with the traditions of other species. Recently, before the dissolution of the Council, the Vikarahn representatives suddenly withdrew all support for Almahna and the Allied Nations after Stormbreak, the High Priest of the Temple of the Gods took the Fae'roh's throne. They say they will not support a nation under the rule of myths and false gods.

Basic Information


Vikarahn are short and stubby in comparison to humans.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Vikarahn are adapted to a wide range of habitats all over the world, though their native homeland is the mountainous continent of Highwind.

Average Intelligence

Similar to human

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Vikarahn are adapted to working in caves and mines, and have darkvision.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Currently, they are in rather tense negotiations with the Fae'roh of Almahna, trying to avert a war.
Also Known As Dwarf
HP: 10
SZ: Med
Spd: 20ft
Boosts: Con, Wis, Free
Flaws: Cha
Languages: Common, Vikan, Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier (if it's positive).
Traits: Vikarahn, Humanoid, Common
Scientific Name
vikaris sapien
200 to 250 years
Average Height
3" to 4"
Average Weight
250 to 300 lbs
Average Physique
They are short and stubby.

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