
An unusual Mystimon, resembling more of a plant than an animal. A relatively new category, still very little is known about plant Mystimon. Vargon seems to come in many forms, most commonly puffballs. They live in wooded areas around Almahna, and have been found in a much wider variety in Olympus and the Quatrica Islands. The Fey of Olympus have known of them for ages, however have never before really considered them Mystimon. They consider them just more varieties of plants, albeit alive. However they agree with the assessment by scholars that perhaps they should be classified as such.    Vargon comes from an ancient Elvan word meaning 'Spore'. These creatures can expel spores that can cause hallucinations in people and even other Mystimon, but only those of the beast and animal varieties. For ages, Fey have harvested these spores to create ceremonial drugs, until 1573 2A, when these drugs were outlawed. However some still continue to harvest and smuggle the spores.

Basic Information


Vargon are a plant species of Mystimon that come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Their most common form is that of a puffball.

Genetics and Reproduction

Vargon reproduce by spreading their spores.

Growth Rate & Stages

They are typically fully bloomed after 6 months.

Ecology and Habitats

Their ideal habitat includes forests, grassy plains, and jungle, with moderate rainfall and plenty of sunlight.

Biological Cycle

They start spreading their spores for reproduction in the Autumn and settle into hibernation in the Winter, reawakening in the Spring.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Their spores are known for causing hallucinations and are harvested for the creation of hallucinatory drugs which are then smuggled.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Darkvision, Tremorsense.
Scientific Name
10 to 15 years


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