
Transquito are small flying insects about half the size of a human, with a three inch long needle like mouthpiece with which they suck the blood of prey. They are able to drain a human entirely of his/her blood, and upon doing so, they can actually change their own colour to match that of whoever or whatever they drained. Afterwards they can go about three or four days before their next meal, while they digest the blood they have drained. Transquitos are native only to Almahna, however there have been some recent reports from the Quatrica Islands and Atlantea suggesting perhaps their range is expanding. They are so feared that in Almahnan mythology, they are considered one of nine plagues which will strike before the end of the world. The fact that Transquito infestations are increasing rapidly in recent years has many across Almahna on edge, fearing the end of the world is nigh.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Transquitoes are most common in tropical regions, such as Southern Almahna and the Quatrica Islands, particularly around areas with warm stagnate water.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Most common in tropical regions.
8 - 10 years


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