The Twin Moons

Luna and Mund. The two moons of Terr'ahna, revolving in separate orbits around the planet. In Sea Fey mythology, the twin moons of Terr'ahna are siblings, dancing across the sky together. They look upon the twin moons as guardians of Terr'ahna. As deities to be prayed upon. They guard Terr'ahna from the cold darkness of the Abyss. Upon a clear night, with Luna and Mund high above the sky, it washes the sea with the gorgeous white light of Mund and the pristine blue light of Luna. It is a sight to behold. However, once in a while, in their cycles, the twin moons will pass and line up in front of the sun, creating a strange phenomenon known as the Super Solar Eclipse. When this occurs, no one in Terr'ahna is safe, as the Flow, the barrier between dimensions, is thinnest at this point, causing Abyssal Gates to open across the world. The last time this occurred was not that long ago. In 2711 3A, the moons mysteriously moved suddenly into alignment with the sun, causing Abyssal Gates to open all across the world. The largest of which was in the mountains of Atlantea. Some say that gate never actually closed. That the World Tear still lets horrific and otherworldly creatures into the world to this day.
  If one were to listen to the Sea Fey, the landwalkers brought this crisis upon themselves. That Luna and Mund were angry. Perhaps they are right.


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