The Shattered Lands of Arcticus

Arcticus, the Shattered Lands of the South. One of the two polar regions of Terr'ahna, Arcticus was, at one time, a whole continent, same as its brother region to the North, Arctica, over 2,000 years ago.   2,000 years ago, war broke out across Terr'ahna, the first of 4 world wars in Terr'ahna history called the Dark Wars. This was before the alliance of nations known today as the Allied Nations, ever took root. One of the more famous battles of Dark War I actually took place upon Arcticus, as the nations battled for control of a great Crystal deposit found in this region. This was a battle of the 3 superpower nations of today's Allied Nations: Almahna, Highwind, and Olympus. These nations battled furiously for control of the Southern Region, caring not for the effect their war was having upon the natural world, and to that extent, upon the Mystimon themselves.   But soon, the Nations would learn the consequences of their war, as a misplaced spell sent a chain reaction through out the entire Crystal deposit of Arcticus, the very thing which the Nations were fighting for control over. This chain reaction would create a grand explosion of Mystia, shattering the continent and killing thousands. So many generations lost. And so many ancient Mystimon species gone extinct because of this singular event.   Today, Arcticus is known as the Shattered Lands of the South, being now a collection of small icy islands. These lands are mostly barren of all life, though some Mystimon species have been seen to thrive here.   So it is shown, that war not only effects humanoids, but also nature. Before picking up a sword and casting a spell to begin war with another, perhaps one should look to the effect that their conflict would have upon the world as a whole. Any choice you make will always effect the world around you, no matter how small or how big. It is the choices that we make that determine the course of our lives, and to that effect, the course of the world. But sometimes in conflict it is easy to forget that your choices and your actions effect more than just yourself. All too easy.


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