The Shadow Gate Is Shut

You try to pass through the portal before you, your heart racing, unknowing of what you will find. But you pass right through the gate and nothing happens. It would appear that this portal is shut to you. But why?   You believe that you need special access to pass through this gate. You need a special enchantment only a select few people know. Where might you gain access to this enchantment? Soon you learn of a special place people can go to learn it. . . for a price.   Where is this place? It is a place called Ko-fi, an exclusive coffee tavern in the heart of Calrune. They sell wondrous coffees from the world over. One special brew from a world even beyond this one will grant you the enchantment you seek. However it appears that this special brew is reservered only for members of this establishment. So you will need to become a member.   You head to heart of Calrune, unknowing of how to get to this coffee tavern. You find a kind Quatrican woman, her brunette hair shining in the Calrune sun. She greets you and introduces herself to you as Kairine Kamuya. You ask her for directions, and she kindly points you on your way.   The Way to Ko-Fi   "May you find the coffee that you seek," Kairine says to you, as you look in the direction she is pointing. When you look back, the woman is gone.


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