The Quatrica Islands

The Quatrica Islands is an island chain far to the west of Almahna. There are exactly seven islands in this island chain, along with several smaller islets scattered throughout. The capital of the Islands is on the western most island, Bra'iv.   The Quatrica Islands have a very unique culture compared to the rest of the world, as well as a unique governmental structure. Each of the seven islands have a governor, called a Kuna, and then there is a higher ranked president of sorts, the Grand Kuna. However, the Island of Parooma is unsettled, except by an ape-man race called the Kongor, so there have been talks of dropping the Kuna of Parooma. Others say that peace should be made with the Kongor and a representative of their species should be made the Kuna. However, talks of peace with the Kongor are extremely unlikely to ever happen.   Once every 5 years, a Summit is called upon the island of Maona, at the top of the tallest mountain in the Quatrica Islands, Mount Kiliwa, where all seven Kunas and the Grand Kuna all gather to discuss important matters. Sometimes an emergency Summit will be called, as what happened during the crisis of the War of the Dragon Lords.   One of the most unique cultures of the Quatrica Islands is a festival held every year at the start of spring, called the Spring Flair. In their culture, they believe that the start of the new year is not actually at the start of the year as it shows on the calendar in any other nation, but instead it begins with the sprouting of new life, as the harshness of Winter ends and Spring begins.The Spring Flair is a festival which is held through out the entire month. People from all over the world come to celebrate the Spring Flair. One of the most enjoyable customs during the Spring Flair is parades held through out the streets of the cities across the Islands, but most particularly in the capital city of Bra'iv, always during the twilight hours.


  • Quatrica Islands
    An island chain far to the west of Almahna, south of Atlantea.
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