The Divine

As all things in the Multiverse exist in pairs, the Divine is the opposite of the Abyss, being a world of pure light, where, incidently, a race of light and angelic beings have evolved and watched over the other planes for many thousands of years. By many they are called the Guardians. In some cultures they are called the Watchers. No one truly knows who or what they are. What is known is that these beings have intervened in several key events in Terr'ahna's past, for reasons only they will ever know.   It is thought by many, that the Divine has been at war with the Abyss for ages long past. Whether this is true remains to be seen.   Why do they continue to look over us? What is their purpose? What is their intention? And who are they, really? We may never know the answers to these questions, and while some may be thankful for their protection, others grow ever more suspicious. Might they have some kind of mysterious unknown and insidious agenda? Only They know the answers...   It is believed in at least one culture that the Alchemists, a once powerful race in ancient times, discovered the means by which they may ascend to higher planes and became beings of energy now populating the plane known as the Divine. But some Alchemists, having far different beliefs, ascended to another plane: the Abyss. It is also believed that the Alchemists left the way open, so that Magicians who gain enough knowledge of the workings of Mystia may also transcend mortal existence and evolve into beings of energy as well. And thus the Spirit Plane evolved, just one step on the path to revelation. As the saying goes, first comes understanding of the elements, then comes acknowledgement of one's self.


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