The Ah-Mun-Ra

The Ah-mun-ra, which is an ancient Almahnan word meaning “People of the Sun”, is a faction which only came on the scene recently, with a very specific goal. A goal which involves some very dirty politics.   Ages ago, the king held all the power in the land. They made all the decisions, made all the laws, and so forth. But as the government structure of all of the nations became more international, with the development of the Allied Nations Council early in the Second Age, bringing together representatives of all the nations, this power quickly evaporated, as more and more of all of the political power was handed over to the Council.   Today, the king's power is more for show, as is the king himself. The king's power is an illusion, put on to give the people the impression of one singular leader. There are those among us who feel this is wrong. That all the political power rightfully belongs in the hands of the kings of the nations.   So enters the Ah-mun-ra, a faction devoted to use any means to take that power back from the Council and give it back to the rightful rulers. But what happens if they succeed in taking the power back? Will they really give it back to the kings, or might they just keep it for themselves?   But if you wished to find the Ah-mun-ra? Good luck with that. You don't find the Ah-munra, they find you. And when they do, you'd better hope they're on your side, as they are quite effective and efficient assassins. If they wanted you dead, you'd already be so. However, as the art of political espionage and assassination requires funds, there have been rumours that they might be willing to take on any assassination job you may require. For a price of course. . .

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