Sea Fey

Sea Fey Heritages | Sea Fey Ancestry Feats

Just as the land has its own legends and lore, so too does the sea. For ages, sailors and fishermen alike have told stories of mysterious beings in the sea, almost fey-like in appearance with the the pointy ears and natural elegance, but with fins and sometimes fish-tails.
You are one such being. You have grown up, not on land, but in the sea. For you, land-dwellers are but a legend from long past ancient times. You are descendent of one of several different sub-species living, peacefully or at war, on the bottom of the sea. You have now come to know of the land-dwellers, whether as friend or as foe, as they have discovered pieces of your highly advanced technology, thanks to a brilliant Cowin by the name of Nivyn.
Instead of a nose, you have gills along the sides of your neck. Your skin is pale blue, sometimes scaly. You are in many ways better suited to the sea, but may have found ways to cope with being on land. Though, straying too far from the sea could be hazardous to your health. You have webbed hands (and feet if you have those), and fins on your head, back, and arms, thus you excel at swimming.

Basic Information


Varies between the many different sub-races. Merelvan are much like the Gelvaran, tall and slender, with pointy ears, though have gills in place of a nose and much larger eyes than their cousins. The Cruelala, on the other hand, are much more alien in appearance, have a swathe of tentacles instead of legs on their bottom half.

Ecology and Habitats

Sea Fey mostly live in the deep oceans, in a region that most surface-dwellers never get to see, known as the Ocean Kingdoms, though known by an entirely different name to the Sea Fey, which is entirely unpronounceable by surface dwellers.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Sea Fey, for the most part, are very adept fisherman. They also will eat sea algae and other such vegetation in the deep oceans.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Their social structure varies widely between the different kingdoms and sub-races, and is largely unknown to surface-dwellers.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Sea Fey live in and are native to the deep oceans.

Average Intelligence

Sea Fey have an even keener intellect than their surface-dwelling cousins, if such could be believed. Their language, for example, is extremely complex and advanced, and near impossible for most surface dwellers to speak. Some have learned to speak common, though have remarked how primitive it is.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Sea Fey, by and large, have very keen darkvision, having adapted to life in the deep oceans.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Sea Fey are the most advanced technologically out of all of the races in the world, even more so than the Gola.
HP: 6
SZ: Med
Spd: 30ft / Swimming
Boosts: Dex, Cha, Free
Flaws: Free
Languages: Common, Sea Fey, Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier (if it's positive).
Oceanic Adaptation: You have adapted to life in the sea and instead of legs, you have a fish tail and fins or tentacles depending on your Heritage. You have a -2 circumstance penalty to Athletics checks to Climb or Jump, and treat environmental heat effects as if they were one step more extreme (severe heat becomes extreme, extreme heat becomes incredible, and so on).
Traits: Merfolk, Elf, Amphibious, Uncommon
Scientific Name
500 to 700 years
Average Height
6" to 7'5"
Average Weight
120 to 200 lbs

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