Sabertooth Heritages

Bobcat Sabertooth

You have the appearance of one of the most compact and surefooted of wildcats. Difficult terrain becomes one degree less for you (greater difficult terrain becomes difficult terrain, difficult terrain becomes normal terrain). You also gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Perception checks.

Cheetah Sabertooth

You have the appearance of the swiftest and fastest felines known. Your movement speed increases by 5 feet and gain Incredible Initiative as a bonus feat.

Uraqi Sabertooth

You are small for a Sabertooth, and walk on four legs instead of 2. But for what you lack in stature, you make up for with your incredible knack for magic. You have the appearance of a domesticated cat. Your size is Small. You are trained in Arcana and gain Arcane Sense as a bonus feat.

Jaguar Sabertooth

You are amongst the stealthiest and most observant of your kind. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Perception checks and are trained in Stealth. You also gain Terrain Stalker as a bonus feat.

Leopard Sabertooth

You are one of the most adaptable and competitive of your kind. You are Trained in Survival and gain Terrain Expertise as a bonus feat.

Lion Sabertooth

You are a noble of your kind. You have a prominent mane that reminds all that you are nobility. You are Trained in Society and gain Courtly Graces as a bonus feat.

Lynx Sabertooth

You are built for the cold. Your fur coat is thicker than most, and white or silver in colour. You gain Cold resistance equal to half your level (rounded up), and you treat environmental cold effects as if they were one step less (incredible cold becomes extreme, extreme cold becomes severe, and so on).


Liminal Sabertooth

You've inherited a closeness to Surge Sites, areas in the world where Mystia Surges cause the boundaries between dimensions to grow thin. But this closeness to these sites has also had a peculiar effect on your physical stature, as you are more like a housecat and walk on four legs rather than two. You can cast Detect Magic and Mage Hand as Force innate cantrips heightened to half your level, rounded up. You also gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Occultism checks to Recall Knowledge about creatures that originated outside the Material Plane. However, instead of Medium, your size is Tiny and you are quadruped. You have adapted to using your whiskers and tail for the Somatic component in spellcasting.

Ocelot Sabertooth

You are a rarity amongst Sabertooth. You actually like to swim! You have no fear of the water like other Sabertooth. You are Trained in Athletics checks, gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Athletics checks to Swim and gain 30 foot Swimming speed.

Puma Sabertooth

You are amongst the greatest jumpers of all Sabertooth. You are most at home in the trees. You are trained in Athletics and gain Quick Jump as a bonus feat. When you make an Athletics check to Jump, you Jump an additional 5 feet.

Tiger Sabertooth

You are fierce and deadly. You are larger than most of your kind, and your foes can't decide which is more intimidating, your size or your appearance. You are trained in Intimidation and gain Group Coercion as a bonus feat. When you Strike an enemy and miss, you may make an Intimidation check to Demoralize that creature as a free action.

Abyssinian Sabertooth

You were born with huge, expressive ears that move with your moods and perk up at any unexpected sound. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to locate undetected creatures that you could hear within 30 feet with a Seek action. As long as you're aware of a creature via sound, once per round, your ears can help you Point Out the creature to all allies as a free action.


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