Dragon Lord of Souls
The timid twin sister of Psiclone, Psivarse is the Dragon Lord of Souls. She protects and guards the spirits of the innocent on their way to the afterlife and seeks to free souls trapped within the undead and to help spirits pass on. Psivarse is rarely seen however, as she is timid and will often go invisible in order to avoid the gaze of people. When she is seen, she is a massive pale off-white wyvern dragon devoid of spikes or spines unlike other Dragon Lords with pale white eyes. Psiclone and Psivarse are actually much weaker than any of the other Dragon Lords on their own. Only together are they as strong as the others. They both know this, and will often act as one. However, that does not mean they don't still bicker as siblings usually do.
Divine Domains
Soul, Death, Magic, Secrecy, Moon
Tenets of Faith
Edicts Protect the souls of the innocent, Help the dead find their rest, Speak for the spirits of the dead.
Anathema Knowingly hurt the innocent, Trap or damage a soul
Devotee Benefits
Divine Ability: WisDivine Font: Heal or Harm
Divine Sanctification: None
Divine Skill: Occultism
Favoured Weapon: Poi
Cleric Spells: 1st: Phantasmal Minion, 3rd: Ghostly Weapon, 5th: Invoke Spirits, 7th: Tempest of Shades, 9th: Wails of the Damned
Boons & Curses
Minor BoonModerate Boon
Major Boon
Minor Curse
Moderate Curse
Major Curse
Divine Classification
Dragon Lord of Souls