
Pixin Heritages | Pixin Feats

Pixins are diminutive, whimsical, and exuberant creature, mostly from the Fey Wilds of Olympus. They love playing pranks, exploring new things, and embracing everything to do with magic.   Some Pixins are content to guard magical locations or objects, learn music, and play pranks on the unsuspecting. Panic struck long ago when child Pixins did not form wings upon adulthood, and some older Pixins also lost their wings after a time. This was known as the great Pixin Die Off, as these Pixins soon died under mysterious circumstances. But new Pixins evolved later, with larger and more spectacular wings than the old. Though some scholars now believe that the Die Off might have been connected in some way to the Dark Summoning, when Telepaths under siege from Mages called to darker forces, forces they didn't truly understand. It is now known that Pixins are more connected to what some Fey call the "Balance", the mythical balance between White and Black Mystia and the balance between life and un-life.   If you want a character who is tiny, mercurial, and curious, you should play a Pixin.

Basic Information


Pixins are tiny faeries whose features vary wildly based on their heritage. Some slowly grow their wings over time as their magical potential manifests, though some never grow wings at all. Others will grow their wings upon reaching adulthood and mastering their innate magic. Pixins reach adulthood at around the same rate as humans do, but a typical one who can manage to stay out of mischief and danger can live 1,000 years or more.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Pixins habitually live in tiny, reclusive villages in areas with abundant magic, such as Surge Sites around the world where the Mystia concentration is extremely high causing disastrous effects on those casting spells. Though Pixins seem particularly resistant or immune to the effects of a Mystia Surge. They also live in other areas of natural beauty, or other curiosities of interest. Other Pixins live as loners or with small family or peer groups, traveling across the land in search of excitement.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Pixin names are based entirely on their parents' whimsy. Pixins often adopt additional monikers later in life or change those assigned to them at birth; this is neither frowned upon nor considered abnormal, at least in their culture.
Also known as: Sprite
HP: 6
Size: Tiny
Speed: 20 feet
Boosts: Dextery, Intelligence, Free
Flaws: Strength
Languages: Common, Silverin, Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier (if it's positive).
Low-light Vision
Magical Strikes: Your inherent magic pervades your entire being. All your Strikes are magical, whether with unarmed attacks or weapons.
Traits: Mystikin, Pixin, Rare

Riding PCs

As a Tiny creature, a Pixin PC weighs so little and takes up so little Bulk that it doesn't cause issues to hitch a ride in a sack, shoulder, or other position on another PC. However, the amount of coordination required to ensure you don't get in each other's way or jostle each other into losing actions makes this tactic unfavorable for most fellow adventurers during combat. If you're riding along with another PC or similar non-minion intelligent creature, roll both your initiatives and use the lower of the two results. You act in either order on the same initiative count. While traveling in this way, you each gain two actions at the start of your turn, instead of three, since they spend one action keeping you balanced on their back, and you spend one action maintaining your grip.  

Pixins in Society

Pixins who mingle openly among mortals find that mortal superstitions about faeries regularly color their interactions with Pixins, for both good and ill. Mortals often believe half-remembered tales, frequently about a different sort of faery altogether; most Pixins find this hilarious and play along. Mortals uninterested in Pixins' pranks tend to view them as nuisances and treat them accordingly. Additionally, Pixins' small stature and excitable natures sometimes cause mortals to treat them like children. Pixins vary in their reactions to this sort of treatment from annoyance to good humor, and sometimes even a realization that they can get away with more this way.  

Tiny PCs

PCs are typically Small or Medium size, but most Pixin PCs are Tiny instead! Being Tiny comes with its own set of rules about space and reach. Your Tiny sprite can enter another creature's space, which is important because your melee Strikes typically have no reach, meaning you must enter their space to attack them. Like other Tiny creatures, you don't automatically receive lesser cover from being in a larger creature's space, but circumstances might allow you to Take Cover. You can purchase weapons, armor, and other items for your size with the same statistics as normal gear, except that melee weapons have a reach of 0 for you (or a reach 5 feet shorter than normal if they have the reach trait). Remember to adjust the Bulk of items and your Bulk limit for Tiny size (see Items and Sizes).

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