On the Sechi Legion Heirarchy

The Sechi Legion has a very different hierarchy than that of the Maji Guard, much less of the Allied Nations in general. The Sechi Legion could be described as a dictatorship in most cases, but in its purest form, it is a cult. Albeit a much evolved cult with significant ties of power through out the world.   There are known to be four generals, as far as anyone is aware, though it has been suggested that perhaps there are more generals that have yet to be seen. The three of these four that are known to the Maji Guard, due in no small part to the work of Kairine Kamuya over the past twenty-five years, are Raize, Avalice, and Evilon. The fourth, however, has never been seen or heard from. As of yet, we only have the word of Kairine Kamuya that there is even a fourth at all. And such knowledge she claims to have received through a most unlikely source, Raize, the first general. Still, given Kairine's history, the Maji Guard are willing to keep an open mind to the possibility that there is a fourth general, whose powers in Black Mystia, at least according to the intel from Raize, is far superior to that of any of the other generals. If ever this fourth general appears, he may be a significant threat, perhaps more than anyone can possibly imagine.   The sub-pages listed within this page will detail the four known generals. As for how any other generals would be capable of eluding detection, one only need to look at other known information about the Sechi Legion. By nature they are infiltrators and spies. It is quite likely and possible that, like Avalice infiltrated the Council and has remained undetected for years, other generals have infiltrated into various other positions in the Allied Nations government, and they too remain undetected. Evilon is a separate event. He takes more direct action, which, as seen in Final Legends, has angered his master, the Overlord, who would prefer if their position not be revealed to the Maji Guard. However, Evilon's actions in Ascent of Chaos have forced the Overlord's hand, pushing him to accelerate his plans. As a direct result, Shadelon plants his final seeds of discontent within the Sechi Legion and overthrows the Overlord. It is currently unknown if Evilon was in fact aligned with Shadelon.


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