On the Maji Guard and Their Relation to the Sechi Legion

For thousands of years, the Maji Guard have been the policing body of the entire Allied Nations, a sort of international police one could say. They have policed in all nations world wide for around a couple of millenia, with their primary base of operations being in the grand city of Calrune in Almahna.   But the Maji Guard are not just an international police, but also a military power in the world. They have fought countless wars through out the centuries, in order to defend the integrity of the Allied Nations and hold the peace. Though no foe has ever challenged them more than the Sechi Legion...   Rising in around the year 500 of the First Age, the Sechi Legion are a cult who worships a long forgotten god: the Apocalypse God, Verszagro. They believe so strongly in Verszagro's promise to rid the world of all plagues and lead them into a true paradise, that they are willing to fight for it, although their original goal has been corrupted and altered over the centuries, by differing agendas and a loss of vision for the bigger picture. They are also users of the forbidden Black Mystia Arts, and quite adept at it they are as well.   When they first arose, the Sechi Legion proved to be nothing more than merely a nuisance for the Maji Guard. But this has since changed, as they have evolved and grown into a true nemesis to the Maji Guard, becoming the main cause of most of the Dark Wars for over a thousand years. They are also one cult that refuses to die, no matter what the Maji Guard do. Taking out one leader of this cult has only resulted in the rise of a new leader, countless times. At this point, the Maji Guard are at their wit's end as to how to truly destroy them once and for all.   But this is the least of their problems with the Sechi Legion...   Rumours abound for the past 25 years that the Sechi Legion have actually infiltrated and corrupted the whole of the Maji Guard, as well as the Allied Nations government!   Nowaday, the Sechi Legion see the Maji Guard and the Allied Nations as being part of the plague which corrupts and destroys Terr'ahna, and hence now seek to destroy them and wipe them from the world.   No one truly knows exactly where the Sechi Legion's main base of operations is stationed, as they seem to come from everywhere and anywhere. These days it is believed that the Sechi Legion actually have multiple bases of operations set up in various locations across the world, much like the Maji Guard.   The Maji Guard have multiple branches, such as the Ghosts, a covert operations branch specifically established to infiltrate enemy lines in order to conduct a multitude of missions for the Maji Guard. Although officially, the Ghosts do not exist. Think of it as a kind of Black Ops division. Most in the Maji Guard do not even know they exist, which makes it easy for them to deny the existence of these so-called Ghosts.   The Sechi Legion, however, are one complete body, as they frequently say, "We are One, and we are Many." Instead, the Sechi Legion have 4 co-leaders, or generals, and one main leader, or Overlord. They see the multiple branches of the Maji Guard as being a weakness, and often exploit it. Although, the Sechi Legion have a weakness of their own, as each of the generals have differing view points and differing agendas and have been known to bicker and fight amongst themselves.   The Sechi Legion has risen and fallen at least four times in history. First rising in the year 500 of the First Age, as has been mentioned, they were quickly disbanded and sent into hiding only 50 years later. This time period is known in history as the first Dark War, though the Sechi Legion were not the cause of the war at this time.   They again arose 200 years later, in the year 750, still of the First Age. This time being more organized and much more devious, they are thought to have been the cause of the second Dark War. This time, it took much more effort to finally disband them and send them into hiding, in the year 900.   After this, they were thought to have been destroyed for good, and so they were forgotten as the world moved into the Second Age in 1000. But this thinking was wrong, as they arose again in the year 1156 of the Second Age, and soon after, Dark War III erupted. Now the Sechi Legion had evolved into a true threat to the entire world, as they sought to destroy the very foundation of the entire Allied Nations. This war lasted for over 500 years, until they were finally disbanded a third time in the year 1743 of the Second Age. And so the world rested, believing that once and for all, the Sechi Legion were finally gone.   The world was quickly proven wrong however, as 1000 years later, in the year 2700 of the Third Age, the Sechi Legion have once again risen again, this time being led by a mysterious and shadowy Overlord whom no one has ever seen and lived to tell the tale. To this day, the Maji Guard still have not discovered the true identity of the Sechi Legion Overlord. But their arrival on the scene once more is fortuitous, as the Allied Nations has begun to crumble and break apart, aggressions beginning to flare up between all of the nations, and a war starting to brew. Many believe it is the work of the Sechi Legion from behind the scenes. But no one can be certain. If it is their handiwork, then it would appear that they are now seeking to destroy the Allied Nations and Maji Guard from within, rather than from the outside, something not outside of their nature.   Whatever the case, even as the Sechi Legion corrupt the Maji Guard from the inside, there are still those among us who see the damage being done and will work to fight the Sechi Legion once more, hoping to once and for all destroy them, proving that even in the darkest of times, there will always be hope. And where there is hope, there is salvation.   Upon the outside, the Maji Guard and Sechi Legion may seem like complete opposites, but in actuality they are two sides of the same coin. When one examines the corruption of the Maji Guard and the corrupt agenda of the Sechi Legion, daring to look beneath the surface, they will find that nothing in Terr'ahna is truly as black and white as it may seem to be.   They have been at war for so long, that now each needs the other to survive. After all, everything exists in pairs. Matter and anti matter. White Mystia and Black Mystia. Light and darkness. This is called balance. Though the Sechi Legion must be stopped, lest their recent plans and agenda destroy this balance, the Maji Guard will no longer truly be able to survive without its long time nemesis.


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