Nao Miafree
Nao Miafree
Nao Miafree had a mostly ordinary childhood in a COASTAL COMMUNITY in the Quatrica Islands, sharing a home with his mother (Nyah), father (Purrcival), little brother (Pogo), and his deadbeat Uncle Ricky. In this sleepy fishing town, trips out to sea on his father's boat were the most excitement Nao got to experience. He and Pogo would spend long hours playing make-believe as daring adventurers, but it didn't change the fact that he was dreadfully bored--Nao longed for something, anything, to come along and shake up his dull provincial life. That wish came true in a monkey's-paw sort of way when a band of vicious pirates raided the town. Nyah, Purrcival, and Ricky were killed along with most of the other townsfolk, and Nao and Pogo were KIDNAPPED. For a time, the Sabertooth brothers were forced to perform menial tasks aboard the ship and entertain the crew; when they proved to be fairly inept at both, the pirates callously tossed them overboard. Nao and Pogo were swept away and split apart by the waves. Eventually, Nao washed up on a beach far from home, where he was found by an old harpooner named Reáz. The old-timer nursed the half-drowned cat back to health. As soon as he was on his feet again, Nao tried to set off in search of Pogo, but Reáz stopped him, clearly seeing the Sabertooth's inability to fend for himself and not wanting him to throw away the life that was just saved. Realizing that Nao was going to seek out his little brother no matter what, Reáz reluctantly agreed to MENTOR the cat in the art of fighting. In his day, the old harpooner had been a notorious swashbuckler with substantial talent with a rapier. He passed on his techniques with the weapon for confounding foes and striking them with precision; he even gifted to Nao his old rapier, which Nao would later customize with bloodletting runes and christen "Heartbreaker." Once Nao was trained to the point where Reáz felt (mostly) comfortable letting him strike out on his own, he set off in search of Pogo. He threw out a wide net in his search, taking steps such as working alongside LIBERATORS in case his brother had been captured by slavers again. As important as this personal quest is to Nao, he's a firm believer in the notion that he ought to enjoy life to the fullest while he pursues it. He's a shameless flirt (he's been known to SLANDER those he perceives as rivals in romance), jokester, and liar, often known to tell enormously improbable tales of his past feats of heroism.
Physical Description
General Physical Condition
Kind of scrawny, with a pudgy belly.
Body Features
Nao's fur is all gray, save for the tip of his tail, which appears as though it's been dipped in a pot of black ink.
Facial Features
His whiskers are somewhat bristly from being soaked in salt water.
Identifying Characteristics
They're usually hidden under his clothes, but Nao has a couple sailor's tattoos: an anchor on his right shoulder and a five-pointed star on his left.
Physical quirks
Significantly smaller than your average Sabertooth. There's no special reason for his size; it's just the way he's built.
Apparel & Accessories
A fine doublet and matching puffy pantaloons, along with a cap with a rakish, jaunty feather, giving him the colorful appearance of a professional entertainer. Fingerless gloves and leather ankle guards. A choker with a charm in the shape of a bell. When he's expecting trouble, he gears up in a studded leather brigandine.

A runt of a Sabertooth whose carefree attitude belies his deadly fencing skill. His adventures consist of as much troublemaking and girl-chasing as proper heroism, and he's a shameless liar, but he's a good pal in dark times.
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Skin Tone/Pigmentation
88 lbs