Legend of the Druidic Guardians

In Olympusian tongue, there are legends and myths of ancient sacred protectors of the Balance. Guardians of Life and Nature. In their tongue, they are called Druids. But the legend goes much further than this.   In the war between the Telepaths and Mages, one sect of Telepaths committed a great sin, calling forth and summoning the dark spirits of the Void to their aid, the enemy of the Elemental Spirits, Necro Spirits. Demons in every sense of the word. They did not know it then, but they were setting forth a chain of events which would rekindle a war long thought dead. A war no one even knew existed.   According to legend, the Druids reemerge whenever the balance of nature and life is threatened, particularly by these demonic creatures, in order to fight them off and send them back to the Void from hence they came. So why didn't they appear when Kairine fought them against them in her teen years? Why didn't they protect her from the horrors she encountered then? And now that Kuai Treewatcher has appeared in Maona, in the Quatrica Islands, another question emerges. Why do the Druids appear now, so many years after the threat of the Necro Spirits had been banished? And why only this single little girl who doesn't seem to event know what or who she is? Have the Necro Spirits returned? Or is there something more?   In Olypusian myth, it is said that Druids have powers even Mages can only dream of, and in fact that is the point. They have the power to dream and for their dreams to become reality. They also have the power to invoke and call upon the spirit and energy of nature and the elements themselves to protect and guard them and their allies. This has got Kairine thinking.   In every myth and in every legend, there is always at least a small grain of truth.   There's one truth that Kairine knows. . . the Necro Spirits have returned. Her war with them all those years ago was only a precursor to a much greater struggle. The appearance of the Mindflayer in Skull's Depths have confirmed her greatest fear. The demons have returned and the true war is about to begin.   But what is the true purpose of the Druids? According to legend, their true purpose is to pave the way for the Aldaree, or the Chosen One. One in legend thought to have the power of all seven colours, as well as the secret eighth colour, Rainbow, with the power over time and space, and to protect and guard them once they have appeared. According to legend, it is this person who will bring balance back to the world and fight back the Necro Spirits and the Ancient Ones.


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