
Dragon Lord of Life

A beast of light and life, Holiclone is known as a protector for all, and for its non-violent nature. It is a brilliantly white dragon with sharp spines running down its back. Like Gaias, many will pray to the Dragon Lord of Life for healing and for protection, mainly from evil. Some say that when it flies through, it shines or glows with the brilliance and brightness of the sun itself. But some also say that Holiclone seems sad or sorrowful, or other times joyful, almost as though it can feel the emotions of the people around. Through this unique gift, it is said that Holiclone can not only heal the body, but the mind and spirit as well.

Divine Domains

Healing, Sun, Introspection, Protection, Repose

Tenets of Faith

Edicts Heal others in body, spirit, and mind; Protect others from evil; Punish undead and evil Anathema Ignore the needs of others; Let undead and evil escape punishment

Devotee Benefits

Divine Ability: Wis
Divine Font: Heal
Divine Sanctification: Must be Holy 
Divine Skill: Religion
Favoured Weapon: Crescent Cross
Cleric Spells: 1st: Sanctuary, 3rd: Crisis of Faith, 5th: Spiritual Guardian, 7th: Divine Decree, 9th: Weapon of Judgment


Boons & Curses

Minor Boon
  Moderate Boon
  Major Boon
  Minor Curse
  Moderate Curse
  Major Curse
Divine Classification
Dragon Lord of Life


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