
Gothica. A dark, shadowy land, to the west where sunlight can not reach. The land is a dead, rocky wasteland, with strange storms which appear at a moment's notice. It is the homeland of the Gola, as well as a cult which heralds the coming of the Apocalypse, the Sechi Legion. Such dark, foul things that come from this shadowy land. It is also home to many dark creatures, including some not even known to science.   The Gola keep a close eye on the many human villages and settlements that dot the land, holding an iron fist over all the land. Only the Sechi Legion appear to have been able to grow a massive city in the deep south of Gothica, seemingly without notice from them. They attract many people to their city with a hope of salvation, a hope of paradise, to be delivered unto them by the great God of the Apocalypse, Verszagro. Such promises are quite attractive, especially to those living in poverty at the hands of the ruthless Golan Empire.   But there is light. Albeit a small one. There are slight whispers of a secret human coalition which vows to deliver those poor people into the light, across the northern border into Atlantea where they might finally see sunlight. Where they might finally receive help from the Maji Guard. But could it be true? And could the rumours of Goblurin helpers be true?




From what can be determined, there is a massive wall, the largest in all the world, that stretches from the northern coast of the continent to the southern coast. Any attempts made to approach the wall are met with instant death at the hands of the Gola's ray guns, often referred to by the people in Gothica as Death Rays. It is thought that the Empire's heart rests somewhere past that wall. However the land outside the wall are still forcefully held by the Empire, patrolled by the ruthless Golan Night. The only place they seem to avoid would be a massive city in the south east of the continent, situated in the heart of a massive, deep canyon. This city is known as Bludwin, and is presided over the Cult of the Apocalypse, the Sechi Legion, who offer salvation and paradise, to be delivered unto all by their dark god, Verszagro.


The Golan Empire hold the largest, most powerful military in all the world. They are amassing Vrok soldiers by the millions, and constantly building new terrifying death machines. Many say they are preparing for war. And have been doing so for a thousand years, since the tenuous peace treaty was bartered with them, surprisingly, in 1546 2A.   The other military to watch would be that of the Sechi Legion. But this cult also operates in the shadow. Their agents infiltrate world governments in order to bring the world's nations to their knees.

Technological Level

The Gola's level of technology far exceeds that of most other nations in the world, second only to the Sea Fey, who have only recently emerged from their Ocean Kingdoms.


Most people in Gothica, looking for salvation from the poverty in which they live at the iron fist hands of the Golan Empire, turn to the Sechi Legion and their grand city of Bludwin. This dark and shadowy religion has existed for thousands of years, and follows the dark god Verszagro and his promise of paradise once he brings the Apocalypse to all the world. Many believers of this faith will inflict pain upon themselves in order to feel the cold loving embrace of their dark god, and participate in other practices which are largely unknown. To most other people in the world, these practices and the religion itself are forbidden and very much taboo. The Maji Guard keeps a very close eye on these people.

Foreign Relations

Relations between the Golan Empire and other nations are tenuous at best. The Gola look down upon all other races in the world, as though the rest of the people in the world are mere ants to them. Attempts have been made to foster at least trade relations with the Gola, in order to help the human despots who live in poverty under their rule, all met with failure. These ruthless people, if they can be called that at all, will not barter or negotiate with anyone. They would sooner see the world burn.


  • Gothica
    Gothica. A dark, shadowy land, to the west where sunlight can not reach. The land is a dead, rocky wasteland, with strange storms which appear at a moment's notice. It is the homeland of the Gola, as well as a cult which heralds the coming of the Apocalypse, the Sechi Legion. Such dark, foul things that come from this shadowy land. It is also home to many dark creatures, including some not even known to science.   The Gola keep a close eye on the many human villages and settlements that dot the land, holding an iron fist over all the land. Only the Sechi Legion appear to have been able to grow a massive city in the deep south of Gothica, seemingly without notice from them. They attract many people to their city with a hope of salvation, a hope of paradise, to be delivered unto them by the great God of the Apocalypse, Verszagro. Such promises are quite attractive, especially to those living in poverty at the hands of the ruthless Golan Empire.   But there is light. Albeit a small one. There are slight whispers of a secret human coalition which vows to deliver those poor people into the light, across the northern border into Atlantea where they might finally see sunlight. Where they might finally receive help from the Maji Guard. But could it be true? And could the rumours of Goblurin helpers be true?
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Empire
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
The Gola view currency and the current market system of the rest of the world as antiquated and obsolete. They use a credit system amongst Gola and some privileged Vrok.
Legislative Body
Judicial Body
The Golan Night, a ruthless band employed by the Empire. Anyone who disobeys the Empire is immediately executed by this group.


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