
Goblurin Heritages | Goblurin Ancestry Feats

We are crude and highly mischievous, highly curious small creatures. Some of the big people with pointy ears thinks we're pests. Others once thought we were a myth. But now that the smart lady with strange powers has seen our plight at the hands of the nasty Vroks, and thought to help us, our kind has chosen to come out into the light, into the big big wide world. We are really curious, and like to see what makes things tick. We will even tinker around with and make stuff out of what the big people might call junk. Those big robot thingies, we think are called 'Automaton' or some weird name like that (really who makes up these names? Why not call them big metal things?) really gets our gears grinding (is that a pun? is that what they call that?). What makes those thing tick? How do they 'live'? Really must open one up sometime.
Cunning and humour are time honoured traditions of our kind. And bombs. And inventing stuff. And. . . did I mention bombs? Oh and pranks too! Fool's Day is our favourite holiday! But despite our prankster and curious nature, we are tenacious little buggers, especially when we set our mind to something (must. . . open. . . up. . . big. . . robot)! Most of us are born in pairs or even triplets. Sometimes quadruplets. . . and sometimes. . . you get the picture. We make lots of babies! And we grow up and live in very many places all across the world. We're as adaptive as those big people too! We have blue skin Goblurins in the Islands, green skin Goblurins in the forests and such, brown skin Goblurins in the caves, sometimes even gray skin ones deeper down in those cave places. . . oh you get the picture! And we often have to fight amongst eachother for stuff like food. This makes us also competitive and self-aggrandizing. The more we show others up the better! Makes life interesting! And our pranks. Can't forget our awesome pranks. Any adventuring party should want a Goblurin along! But our boisterous nature and loyalty, we think, makes things even.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Goblurins reach adult hood quickly, usually after about 5 years. But they usually die quickly too. We don't know how long they truly live for.

Ecology and Habitats

Goblurins can be found a very wide range of habitats all over the world. Maybe even more than other people.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Despite their looks, they're smarter than they seem. No, really! They're very adept at making stuff out of what other people might call junk. And trap making too!

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Goblurins have keen darkvision, able to see remarkably well in caves.
Also Known As Goblin
HP: 6
SZ: Small
Spd: 25ft
Boosts: Dex, Cha, Free
Flaws: Wis
Languages: Common, Gob, Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier (if it's positive).
Traits: Goblin, Humanoid, Common
Scientific Name
goblin sapien
Average Height
2" to 3"
Average Weight
50 to 100 lbs.

Articles under Goblurin


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