
Draavokiin Heritages | Draavokiin Ancestry Feats

Every Draavokiin knows that their slight frame belies true, mighty Dragon Lord power. They are ingenious crafters and devoted allies within their warrens, but those who trespass into their territory find them to be inspired skirmishers, especially when they have the backing of one of the mighty Dragon Lords. In their beliefs, they carry the blood of the Dragon Lords themselves, and who knows, it could be true. Though even their own existence has been thought a myth for centuries. Then again, everyone once thought Goblurins to be a myth. Maybe they are real. But could they really be related to the Dragon Lords?

Basic Information


They are short, about 3 feet tall, reptilian humanoids with slender bodies and long tails. They often boast their distant Dragon Lord ancestry and every Draavokiin displays one or more draconic features, such as stout horns, razor-sharp teeth, or - more rarely - vestigal wings or dragon breath. They mature very quickly, though live much longer than Goblurins, reaching adulthood by about 12, and living to 60 years of age. The colour of their scales can vary widely. Most often, they mimic the hues of Chaotic or Ordered Dragon Lords, with a mix of slight darker or lighter scales that create a mottled appearance. The scales of newly hatched Draavokiin often reflects the community's Dragon Lord exemplar. But whether that's the Dragon Lord they serve or the one they are descended from, that's a matter of debate.

Additional Information

Social Structure

They often achieve an unshakable fervor and loyalty to their new cause or leader, however, they are also infamous for sensing a proverbial sinking ship, and once their source of power fails or seems doomed, their morale breaks swiftly.   Whether led by a Dragon Lord or not, Draavokiin almost always identify themselves with one of the Dragon Lords which serves as their spiritual exemplar. Their societies regularly adopt laws and cultural norms inspired by the exemplar's personality. For example, Flame Draavokiin are fiercely territorial and aggressive, much like the Dragon Lord of Flame, Flamdrone.

Facial characteristics

Long snouts, reptilian or draconic like in appearance. Some have stout horns or razor-sharp teeth.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They are found all over the world, particularly in areas where Dragon Lord sightings have been made.

Average Intelligence

They have an ingrained cautiousness that keeps them alive, but despite this, they are often seen as quite dim, especially compared to the crafty Goblurins.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Some Draavokiin warrens live in the viscinity of their Dragon Lord exemplars.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

A young Draavokiin's given name is rarely more than a syllable or two. However, as they age, achieve status, and accomplish great deeds, they add more syllables to their names. They rarely have surnames, except in an effort to better fit into a community, in which case they typically adopt the surname of an inspiring figure in that group.  

Sample Names

Azrnak, Draahzin, Enga, Fazgyn, Fazij, Jekkajak, Kib, Kirrok, Mirkol, Tarka, Urkak, Varshez, Vroklan, Zekstikah, Zgaz
Also Known As Kobold
HP: 6
Size: Small
Speed: 25 feet
Boosts: Dex, Cha, Free
Flaws: Con
Language: Common, Drakan, Additional languages equal to your Int modifier (if it's positive). Choose from: Vikan, Ancient Saurusian, Dusgelvish, Silverin, and any other languages to which you have access (such as languages prevalent in your region).
Dark Vision
Traits: Common, Humanoid, Draavokiin
Scientific Name
60 years
Average Height
3 feet
Average Weight
60 to 75 lbs
Average Length
5 feet
Average Physique
Short and slender with long tails.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Slightly darker or lighter colouring mimicking that of their Dragon Lord exemplar.

Dragon Lord Exemplar

  You draw minor powers from your Dragon Lord Exemplar. Choose a Chaotic or an Ordered Dragon Lord to be your exemplar. Thiis determines your scale colour and appearance. At the GM's discretion, Dragon Lords might look favourably upon Draavokiin who resemble them. Your exemplar may also determine details of other abilities you have, using the Dragon Lords Table below:  
Dragon Lord Scale Colour Type Breath Weapon Saving Throw Spell List
Krosin, Dragon Lord of Death Black Chaotic Cone of Shadow Reflex Primal
Electrone, Dragon Lord of Storm Dark Blue Chaotic Cone of Electricity Reflex Primal
Flamdrone, Dragon Lord of Flame Red Chaotic Cone of Fire Reflex Primal
Frezlor, Dragon Lord of Frost Light Blue Chaotic Cone of Cold Reflex Primal
Psyclone, Dragon Lord of Mind Violet Chaotic Cone of Force Will Force
Holiclone, Dragon Lord of Life White Ordered Line of Radiant Reflex Divine
Galiclone, Dragon Lord of Wind Light Green Ordered Cone of Sonic Reflex Divine
Waveform, Dragon Lord of Water Turquoise Ordered Cone of Water Fortitude Primal
Gaias, Dragon Lord of Earth Dark Green Ordered Line of Acid Fortitude Divine
Psyvarse, Dragon Lord of Soul Purple Ordered Line of Force Will Force

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