Chelzan Ancestry Feats

1st Level


Amphibious Lungs  Feat 1

Chezlan Your lungs have greater capacity and efficiency than those of other Chelonians. You gain the Breath Control general feat as a bonus feat. When you roll a success on a Fortitude saving throw related to breathing, you get a critical success instead.  

Carapace Block [R]  Feat 1

Chezlan Trigger While you have your Carapace Shield raised, you would take damage from a physicall attack. Your Carapace shield prevents you from taking an amount of damage up to your carapace shield hardness. You and the shield each take the remaining damage, possibly braking or destroying the shield.  

Carapace Scutes  Feat 1

Chezlan By birth or by going through a painful and rigorous regime of exercise, your carapace is covered by horny scales called scutes that are strong enough to be used as a melee weapon. You gain a scutes unarmed attack that deals 1d8. When gaining this feat, choose the type of damage for the scutes unarmed attack between piercing or bludgeoning, this can’t be changed. Your scutes are in the brawling group and have the shove trait.  

Caravanwise  Feat 1

Chezlan You’ve seen your fair share of con artists and charlatan as part of your life in the caravan. You gain +1 circumstance bonus to your Perception DC and Perception checks against Deception DC and Deception checks.  

Redstreak Venom [1]  Feat 1

Chelzan Prerequisites Snapping Chelzan Frequency Once every 10 minutes You have fine red streaks on your hide, marking you as a venomous creature. The next successful target of a beak unarmed attack before the end of you next turn becomes enfeebled 2 until the end of his next turn.  

Mystical Markings  Feat 1

Chelzan You have gone through a mystical ritual that resulted in having marking being permanently carved on your shell, whether on the carapace or plastron, that give you access to some form of occult magic. Choose one cantrip from the occult spell list. You can cast this spell as an innate occult spell at will. A cantrip is heightened to a spell level equal to half your level rounded up.    

Chezlan Lore  Feat 1

Chezlan You have been around storytellers and mystics all your life; your people thirst for stories and the unknown drove you to learn as much as you could and often share the knowledge with others. You gain the trained proficiency rank in Occultism and Performance. If you would automatically become trained in one of those skills (from your background or class, for example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. You also become trained in Turtlefolk Lore.  

Unmovable  Feat 1

Chezlan You manage to apply your massive frame against any attempt to move you against your will. You gain +2 circumstance bonus to your Fortitude or Reflex against attempts to shove or trip you. This bonus also applies to saving throws or spells or effects that attempt to knock you prone.  

5th Level

Aggravated Redstreak Venom [R]  Feat 5

Chelzan Prerequisites Redstreak Venom Trigger You make a beak unarmed attack Frequency A number of times per day equal to your level. Your venom is much more potent than those of most Redstreak Turtlefolk, and you can choose to inject a larger dose of it to inflict damage. You may choose to deal an additional 1d6 poison damage. On a critical failure of your beak unarmed attack, you waste one dose of your daily allowance of Aggravated Redstreak Poison without dealing damage.  

Clear Visions  Feat 5

Chelzan Prerequisites Vision Touched Chelzan Your understanding of your natural weapons has granted you a better understanding of how to use your weapons. Whenever you score a critical hit with an unarmed attack gained by Turtlefolk heritage or ancestral feats, you apply the unarmed attack’s critical specialization effect. If you have access to scutes unarmed attack you can apply the shield’s critical specialization effect instead.  

Underwater Predator  Feat 5

Chelzan Prerequisites Wetblack Chelzan You swim faster than you run. Your swim speed increases to 20 feet.  

Chelzan Unarmed Prowess  Feat 5

Chelzan Prerequisites Any Chelzan unarmed attack. Your understanding of your natural weapons has granted you a better understanding of how to use your weapons. Whenever you score a critical hit with an unarmed attack gained by Turtlefolk heritage or ancestral feats, you apply the unarmed attack’s critical specialization effect. If you have access to scutes unarmed attack you can apply the shield’s critical specialization effect instead.  

9th Level

Evolved Markings  Feat 9

Chelzan Prerequisites Mystical Markings Your mystical markings are constantly evolving, changing and morphing in new unpredictable ways. Each day during your daily preparations you can change the cantrip gained from Mystical Markings feat. In addition, choose one 2nd level spell from the occult spell list, you can cast this spell twice a day as an innate occult spell.  

Shellshock  Feat 9

Chelzan Prerequisites Carapace Scutes You learned how to better use your carapace scutes in battle. Your scutes unarmed attack gains the Trip trait. You gain +2 circumstance bonus to Shove or Trip Athletics against a target that has been successfully hit this turn by a scutes unarmed attack.  

Tunneling  Feat 9

Chelzan Your learned how to use your body to tunnel through the ground. You gain 10 feet burrowing speed.  

13th Level

Chelzan Unarmed Expertise  Feat 13

Chelzan Prerequisites Chelzan Unarmed Prowess Your use your body as a living weapon. Training, experience and instincts blend into a powerful fighting style. Whenever you gain a class feature that grants you expert or greater proficiency in a certain weapon, you also gain that proficiency in all unarmed attacks you gained from Turtlefolk ancestry feats or heritage.


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