Awakened Mystimon

Awakened Mystimon were once normal Mystimon before they obtained sapience that gave the one paw in nature and the other in society. Almost any Mystimon can be awakened, allowing for a wide variety of characters.   You once enjoyed the boundless and simple pleasures of nature with an innocent and uncluttered mind. You lived moment to moment, and you never questioned the ramifications of what happened before or cared much about what happens next. You were at one with the wild and nature. You are a Mystimon, a mystical creature with magical powers. Maybe you're a Grizzlus. Perhaps a Cheetoron. Or maybe you fly through the skies as an Eagleye or Aerior. Or perhaps you swim through the oceans as a Shiroshi or Omae.   But then something happened that changed everything. Perhaps you once were Imprinted by a tamer who loves you deeply and wanted to give you sapience. Or maybe a man in a top hat playing a magical prank on you. Or maybe you drank from a Mystia infused glowing lake. Whatever it was, you were pulled out of the present moment of the wild and into the land of thought. For the first time, you've realized you had a past.   For the first time, you started to think about and consider your future. Now you experience the world in a whole new light. You've become intimately aware of the dangers that never occurred to you before, but there are also plenty of pleasures and wonders in this new world. That's a good thing, because there's no going back to how things were.   Awakened Mystimon were once normal Mystimon that underwent an experience that awakened and opened their minds, giving them full intellect and the ability to perceive the world through the lens of thought. There are many mysterious ways for Mystimon to Awaken, but the most well-known path is through the ritual, Awaken Mystimon.   Every Mystimon takes the process differently. For some, the opening of their mind is electric, allowing them to perceive and ponder the world like never before. Others are overwhelmed by the emotions and thoughts that they didn't ask for and weren't ready to hold. Most people who would awaken a Mystimon assume that the Mystimon they awaken will be full of wonder and gratitude and aren't prepared for the wide variety of responses they receive: shock, sadness, euphoria, curiosity, and anger are all common (but not the only ones).   No matter how an awakened Mystimon reacts, they still must find their way in the world, for the process is one way most of the time, and there is no going back. Some awakened Mystimon try to go back to their lives but almost always find themselves disconnected from their unawakened peers. Others embrace the civilized world entirely, doing their best to navigate a world built for humanoids. Over time, awakened Mystimon find themselves moving between both the civilized world and the wild, for each holds only a part of what they need from life.   If you wish to play a character who is extremely outside the norm and crosses between the civilized and natural worlds, and embraces the benefits of both being a Mystimon and being apart of civilization, you should play an Awakened Mystimon.  

You Might. . .

  • Negotiate between humanoid societies and Mystimon of the wilderness.
  • Oscillate between rumination and acting with wild aggression.

Others Probably. . .

  • Perceive you as a beast who is easily provoked.
  • Want to study you as an oddity without respect for your agency or comfort.

Basic Information


Awakened Mystimon are so simillar in apppearance to the Mystimon they once were, that from a glance, it is difficult for humanoids to tell the difference. On closer inspection, most humanoids might notice something different about the eyes and the movements of an awakened Mystimon. The awakened Mystimon carries themself in a way that is self-aware, and even those who don't know that the Mystimon is awakened feel that difference. Often awakened Mystimon take on the practice of wearing clothing and other adornments, and using tools, which truly make their awakened nature obvious.   Mystimon recognize awakened Mystimon instantly and react with trepidation at first. If welcomed, eventually the Mystimon will settle and approach the awakened Mystimon. It takes a long time for a Mystimon to be truly comfortable around its awakened brethren, but over time it can happen.   Traumatic awakenings sometimes create stunning visual differences in an awakened Mystimon. There are tales of awakened Grizzlus with flame-red fur and Eagleyes with ghostly feathers. Sometimes the process will awaken unusual and strange abilities the Mystimon never had before, like Naekos with the ability to hop between the material plane and the dream lands at will.

Biological Traits

Mystimon Attacks

Your heritage gives you a special unarmed attack instead of the fist unarmed attack humanoids typically gain. This attack is in the brawling weapon group. Work with your GM to determine which one you have, using the type of Mystimon you are and suggestions in your heritage for guidance. For example, you might choose a beak, talon, or wing for an Eagleye, a fist or tail for a Monkrah, or a tongue or jaws for a Sagrog.  
Unarmed AttackDamageTraits
Antler 1d6 Piercing Finesse, Unarmed
Beak 1dd6 Piercing Finesse, Unarmed
Claw 1d4 Slashing Agile, Finesse, Unarmed
Fangs 1d6 Piercing Finesse, Unarmed
Horn 1d6 Piercing Finesse, Unarmed
Jaws 1d6 Piercing Finesse, Unarmed
Tail 1d6 Bludgeoning Finesse, Trip, Unarmed
Talon 1d4 Piercing Agile, Finesse, Unarmed
Fist 1d4 Bludgeoning Agile, Finesse, Nonlethal, Unarmed
Tongue 1d6 Bludgeoning Finesse, Unarmed
Wing 1d4 Bludgeoning Agile, Finesse, Unarmed

Choosing a Mystimon

The best forms to choose for the Awakened Mystimon ancestry have limbs of some sort that can be modified. Even fins can be modified in awakened form. Limbless creatures like Cobroa or Jogunda might need extra accomodations to work. When talking with your GM about playing an Awakened Mystimon, talk about the specific type of Mystimon so you can determine what's a reasonable choice for the tone of the game.   When deciding what heritages and feats to take that represent your Mystimon, start with their primary movement ability, choose the heritage that matches it most closely, and build from there. Ancestry feats offer many ways to refine your awakened Mystimon concept, so the heritage doesn't need to provide everything.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Awakened Mystimon are rare enough and seperate enough that few find themselves traveling together, let alone making their own societies. Awakened Mystimon often settle into the societies that are close by, integrating in disguise as a 'typical' Mystimon or overtly as craftspeople and laborers. While an Awakened Mystimon may decide that humanoid society is not for them, those that stay do not find much trouble in adapting. While some people across Terr'ahna have seen enough that they get over their initial shock of seeing a talking Naeko or Hummer quickly, most never fully accept them. So a lot of Awakened Mystimon may end up feeling lost or never really find their place in the world and end up wandering.   Awakened Mystimon who have turned their back on 'civilized' life tend to create Mystimon societies that they are the natural rulers and leaders of. They use their intellect to create order and structure that Mystimon of their type wouldn't otherwise be able to do. There are tales in the Quatrica Islands of a very large pod of Omae made up of several combined pods led by an awakened Omae, that some have taken to nicknaming Free Billy. The pod roams the seas around the islands acting as life guards saving swimmers and even protecting civilians from pirates. In Olympus, merchants tell tales of Grizzlus who attack caravans but do only enough damage to steal the goods before leaving.   There are also rumours a city full of Awakened Mystimon in Western Atlantea called Wander. Most Awakened Mystimon hear about it at some point in their lives. Some think of it as a fanciful dream, but many do attempt to find it. Wander is said to be the true home of all Awakened Mystimon, a place where their intellect and wild spirits are equally welcome.

Civilization and Culture

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Awakened Mystimon tend to see the world through a lens of natural order. Those who are unsettled by humanoids or have been traumatized by them typically live within nature, while those driven by curiosity or structure seek to find a place in the more ordered and rule-bound nature of humanoid society.   There is no uniform religion among Awakened Mystimon,, but it is unsurprising that gods like Kiliran or Phantos are popular. There are small groups of awakened Mystimon who worship destructive gods like the Forgotten Gods, particularly Verszagro. Those who were awakened by a companion might adopt that companion's outlook, and possibly adopt that companion's religion as well.   Popular Edicts Explore your newfound sentience, enjoy the creature comforts of humanoid society; Often other edicts related to your Mystimon side, such as 'keep the pack together' or 'always wash your food'.   Popular Anathema Revert to purely Mystimon behaviours.
Hit Points Your ancestry Hit Points depend on the size you choose (see below): 6 HP if you are Tiny or Small, 8 HP if you are Medium, or 10 HP if you are Large.
Size Choose the size appropriate for your Mystimon: Tiny, Small, Medium, or Large.
Speed Determined by your heritage.
Attribute Boosts Constitution, Wisdom, Free
Attribute Flaws Intelligence
Languages New Terrah'nan, Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier (if it's positive). Choose from the list of common langauges and any other languages to which you have access (such as languages prevalent in your region)
Traits Rare, Awakened Mystimon, Beast   Awakened Form Awakening altered your form, enabling you to speak verbally and stand on two legs. You can wear, hold, weild, and use items. Which limbs you use to manipulate items and how many are determined by you and your GM, but for the rules you function like a humanoid with two hands.   Awakened Mind Awakening altered your mind. You are no longer a Mystimon, but you can still ask questions of, receive answers from, and use the Diplomacy skill with Mystimon of your kind. By remembering your instincts, you can allow yourself to be affected by spells and other effects as though you were a Mystimon.


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