Ancient Altaran

The Fey and Sea Fey's ancestors, the Altarans, according to legend, predated their descendants by thousands of years, perhaps even millions of years. No one truly knows where these people came from, or how they came to be. Only recently has any evidence of their existence been found, by the Tribunal, on an island northeast of the Quatrica Islands, known as Easari. But this was apparently merely an outpost. Legends speak of a massive civilization once built by the Altarans, that has apparently been lost to time, for no other evidence of their existence has ever been found.
  Fey legends speak of their ancestors having come to Olympus and Arctica and Arcticus from somewhere else, a far distant land. Perhaps Atlantea? Maybe even Gothica? No one knows. No other signs have yet been found.
  As the stories go, these people were very different to the Fey and Sea Fey today. They were much more alien in appearance, having elongated heads, very tall and slender bodies, long fingers, and big eyes. Apparently the pointy ears came later.
  Their language, what little of it has been found, has yet to be firmly deciphered, though it shares very slight variations in dialects used in Elvan, Frostelvish, and Dusgelvish today. The Sea Fey are thought to be related too, but their language appears to have diverged drastically.


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