Ananahki Feats

Level 1

Ananahki Lore  Feat 1

You retain the secrets and knowledge of your kin, passed on to you before you came to the mortal planes. You are trained in Arcana and Occultism. If you would automatically become trained in either of these skills (from your background or class for example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. You are also trained in Ananahki Lore.  

Elemental Beam {2}  Feat 1

Prerequisites: Divinilon Heritage, Abyssalon Heritage, Seavare Heritage, Stormbreaker Heritage, Fae'rin Heritage, Tiefling Heritage
You unleash a beam of elemental energy of a type derived from your Ananahki lineage, dealing 1d4 damage in a 30 foot line. Creatures in the area must attempt a basic Reflex saving throw against your class or spell DC, whichever is higher. At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, this damage increases by 1d4.  

Level 5


Divine Legacy  Feat 5

[Divinalon] [Ananahki]
Prerequisites: Divinilon Heritage
Your unearthly heritage continues to shine through in your every word and deed. You embrace your heritage completely and become like an angel in form and speech. You grow feathered wings, granting you 15 foot Flight speed, however you are now uncomfortable telling falsehoods. Lying is Anathema for you.  

Abyssal Legacy  Feat 5

[Abyssalon] [Ananahki]
Prerequisites: Abyssalon Heritage
Your unearthly heritage continues to seep through in your every word and deed. You embrace your heritage completely and become like a dark entity. You grow shadowy wings, granting you 15 foot Flight speed. You become less caring for the wellbeing of others however. Medicine checks on others is Anathema for you.  

Tiefling Legacy  Feat 5

[Tiefling] [Ananahki]
Prerequisites: Tiefling Heritage
Your path may have been paved with good intentions but they've clearly been forsaken. Another step and you'll reveal your infernal destiny to all. You grow bat wings, granting you 15 foot Flight speed. However you care not for the truth. Honesty is Anathema for you.  

Seavare Legacy  Feat 5

[Seavare] [Ananahki]
Prerequisites: Seavare Heritage
You have chosen to return to the seas from whence you came. The seas are your true calling. You gain 15 foot Swim speed. You protect the oceans with your life. Fishing is Anathema for you.  

Stormbreaker Legacy  Feat 5

[Stormbreaker] [Ananahki]
Prerequisites: Stormbreaker Heritage
You have become as lightning. Sparks emanate over your body. You gain 15 foot Flight speed. However, polluting the air or allowing those who cause major air pollution or climate shifts to go unpunished is Anathema for you. (This doesn't force you to take action against merely potential harm to the environment or to sacrifice yourself against an obviously superior foe.)  

Fae'rin Legacy  Feat 5

[Fae'rin] [Ananahki]
Prerequisites: Fae'rin Heritage
The wild has claimed your soul. You grow shimmering insect-like wings, granting you 15 foot Flight speed. However committing wanton cruelty to plants or killing plants or allowing others to do so is Anathema for you. (This doesn't prevent you from defending yourself against plants or plant Mystimon or harvesting them when necessary for survival.)  

Level 9

Elemental Burst {3}  Feat 9

Prerequisites: Elemental Beam
You unleash your elemental energy in a 20 foot burst around you, dealing 4d6 damage of a type matching your Elemental Beam. Creatures in the area must attempt basic Reflex saving throws against your class or spell DC, whichever is higher. At level 11 and every 2 levels thereafter, this damage increases by 1d6.  

Elemental Affinity  Feat 9

Prerequisites: Divinilon Heritage, Abyssalon Heritage, Seavare Heritage, Stormbreaker Heritage, Fae'rin Heritage, Tiefling Heritage.
Your elemental powers have grown to extraordinary levels. Your spells or alchemical items that deal the elemental damage type of your Heritage gain a status bonus to damage equal to half the spell or item level, minimum 1.  

Level 13

Elemental Blade {1}  Feat 13

Prerequisites: Elemental Burst
You care not for the mundane weapons of the mortals. You create a blade of elemental energy matching your heritage. This blade has +2 Striking and Potency, and deals 3d8 slashing damage +1 damage of your heritage's type. You may spend 2 actions to unleash the energy of your Elemental Blade in a 30 foot cone burst, forcing creatures in the area to attempt basic Reflex saving throws against your class or spell DC, whichever is higher, dealing 6d8 damage. If you do, your Elemental Blade dissipates and you may not create another for 1 minute.


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