Alira (Aa-lie-rah)

These strange Mystimon are virtually unknown to scholars, as it has almost never been observed. It is incredibly rare. They are described as being like flying starfish with tiny razor spikes on the front side and a spiral mouth lined with razor teeth, with a long barbed tail hanging off of it.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Parasite Stage They are a parasitic Mystimon which floats around, searching for hosts. When it finds one, it attacks, lashing out with its tail, targeting the neck, and then attaching to the back of the victim's head.   Host Stage Due to a venom they secrete, the host doesn't know they are being controlled. They will often wear hats or hoods or any other kind of headwear without much reason as to why, even if they had not been known to wear any sort of headwear before. The victim will also experience random blackouts where the Alira takes control for a brief moment and the victim has no recollection of what they were doing during this period of time. Often lasts for no more than a few hours. The victim will also appear forgetful and display unusual behaviour, perhaps a change in personality.   Soldier Stage In this stage, the Alira has taken complete control of the host the creature's original body dries up and falls off the back of their head. The host is now entirely under the control of the Alira, and the consciousness of the original owner of the body effectively dies. The body now also gains supernatural abilities they may not have previously had, such as super strength, Mystia Casting of the Force Tradition, and a Predator form where the face erupts into five spiked star-like petals, revealing a mouth lined with razor teeth.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Rows of razor spikes and a spiral mouth lined with razor teeth.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Aliras, it has been discovered, are in fact parasites of some sort which seem to control the minds of their hosts.
Scientific Name
Average Length
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Pinkish brown on the front side, tannish brown on the back side.

Mystimon Companion

Senses X Str +2, Dex +2, Con +1, Int -4, Wis +1, Cha +0 HP X; Weaknesses X (Equal to half level rounded up) Resistances X (Equal to half level rounded up).   Speed X


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