
Abyssaltouched Ancestry Feats‌ | Abyssaltouched Heritages

Abyssaltouched Ancestry Feats
Over a thousand years ago, back during the Second Age, the Fae'roh Akmin Hamin had an idea. In order to free up the prisons, he thought, "Why not send the worst of the worst to the Abyss for all eternity?"   However, over time this began to extend to all prisoners and before long, even petty thieves were dumped into an Abyssal Gate.   Soon, after about two-hundred years, this idea would finally be abandoned. But that did nothing for those who had already been banished to the Abyss. No one ever imagined that those people would even still live, much less form their own civilization. Though the shadow magicks of the Abyss touched these people and changed them beyond recognition, they flourished.   The Abyssaltouched are a striking people whose skin appears to be entirely drained of all colour. These shadowy beings seem to sink and vanish into the gloom and shadows. They can see in darkness, exercise control over the shadows, and have strange dark powers. Some Abyssaltouched develop their powers enough to pass between the Abyss and material planes, leaving others to whisper about figures that emerge from the shadows and then vanish without a trace.   It is said that the first Abyssaltouched man to truly come into contact with the material plane did so through a portal in a now destroyed prison, coming into conflict with a group of adventurers, ones that some say was in fact the Tribunal. But this man apparently vanished as quickly as he appeared.

Basic Information


Most of the Abyss appears as a mirror version of the material plane, except devoid of all colour and covered in shadow and darkness. The shadow magic that permeates the entirety of the Abyss has touched the Abyssaltouched, whose skin tones fall on a monochromatic scale from stark white to deep black, and all the shades of grey in between. Their bodies are physically just as diverse in shape and size as humans, but seem to display a fluidity of motion reminiscent of the shifting shadows that permeates the Abyss. Their reflective pupil less eyes can pierce darkness and shadow.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The stark and creepy appearance of Abyssaltouched tend to be off-putting to other people around them, and so they tend to avoid large cities, sticking mainly to smaller communities and forming tightknit communities with others of their kind. They tend to keep to themselves, as a resullt. However, with their connection to the Abyss and shadow magic powers, they are quickly finding that there may be a reason that they are here now. Their elders and most powerful shadow mages have even begun having visions. Visions of something ancient and powerful approaching. The strange and weird happenings all across the world as of late has effected the Abyssaltouched on a spiritual level. And so many have begun to come out of hiding, in order to investigate just what is going on and what is their connection to it.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Many Abyssaltouched first came through back to Terr'ahna decades ago during a solar eclipse event, during which dozens of Abyssal Gates opened all over the world. Since that time, others have found their way to Terr'ahna, finding and forming tightknit communities with others of their kind. They tend to keep to themselves, choosing not to interact with other people.
Also known as Fletchling
Hit Points 8 Size Medium Speed 25 feet Ability Boosts Dextery, Free OR Two Free Boosts Languages Common, Abyssaltongue, Additional languages equal to your Intelligence Modifier (if it's Positive). Choose from Draglan, Dusgelvish, Ancient Almahnan, Ancient Saurusian, and any other languages to which you have access. Darkvision

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