
Table of Contents

The Short Tale of Events

In the world of Atûm

Visit Atûm

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The Short Tale of Events

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How Atûm was Forged

Also includes

Short Tales of Prior Events

Hastarrii and Urr-Eth

In such ancient times where no oceans had yet been sprung from the first spring, no rivers flowed following their paths, for there were none, no sky spread like wings to cover the faces of those who looked up, and no land was at the feet of those who stood and thought. In that very ancient time, there were no gods save those who spoke to themselves with their thoughts alone, they had no bodies, for there was no concept of material, they had not yet begun their purpose, for they could not quite comprehend it yet. 

Hastarrii, the great and first, instructed his creations in the way of things, they were taught good and evil early on, so they would not rebel. They were kept from the dark, from the other, who hated their way of things and made his creations the way he thought best, he was evil, and he was Hastarrii’s antithesis. Hastarrii would die in a timeless fight and clash of wills, him and Urr-Eth, the evil named in that language. This is another story, the Arkaméagon is of significant importance, but it is not told here, here the forging of the world known as Atûm is told, it was a harrowing time, for it was haunted by spirits that came with evil intent. 

Hastarrii had waded through an ocean of darkness and utter chaos, his feet separated and evaporated it, but after every step, the shadows and evils encroached again. Creation had begun before, but it was tiny and yielded no great significance save a single essence of light that waited patiently for Hastarrii to return. The light of which in those days was very small, but in days far into the unforeseeable future, would stretch massive like a pillar if it desired, or small and yieldly like a walking stick. Hastarrii had used it for as long as he could, but against such uncontrollable and terrifying darkness, it was not to be wielded, for it was to have another purpose. 

Hastarrii forged for himself a great staff, and he named it Orchamûnak, the “The Jewelled World Staff” and with it, he navigated through the darkness in search of life, perhaps others like him. He waded so far and so deep that his body became fully submerged, yet the Orchamûnak remained as tall as ever. Realising he was going too deep he turned and began to return to the pillar of light he had left, but found a force tugging at his legs. He used his staff to push away the force but it came back stronger and pulled at him, he broke free again, but out of the darkness and chaos came a being that looked nothing like him. It was covered in flame and malice and gave off such a terrible stench that even the primordial Hastarrii backed away in fear, then through the darkness he came and Urr-Eth was revealed. A fight ensued, and their clash rocked the very fabrics of that distant bygone time.

The Tale of Míthrondas

Hastarrii’s death was long ago now, and from his death, a kingdom was established, the first in all time, the greatest in all creation. Its name was Míthrondas, and none could comprehend it, its majesty was beyond any Atûmilic kingdom, even that of Emmendell and all the realms of the Tarriin. Hastarrii’s rod, that which Urr-Eth coveted, was placed in a timeless sea, and it stretched high and mightily. At its very pinnacle, Míthrondas was situated, Hastarrii forged the stones and greenery of the halls of Míthrondas, and the thrones and steps and pillars. When he had established this kingdom, he began his great sacrifice, he cut himself open, and with his blood, he created five beings, five of the greatest beings to ever exist, they were mighty. The Alingatarr. They dwelt for ages in Míthrondas, learning what Hastarrii had tried to teach them, before his death by Urr-Eth. Hastarrii created for the Alingatarr five stones out of himself, they are named the Orchamiri, and with his dying breath, with Urr-Eths evil weapon thrust through him, he cast himself into a spell of protection, and was seen no more. 

The Alingatarr

Urr-Eth assailed Míthrondas unrelentingly, Hastarrii had left a powerful spell to keep him out, a spell uttered with a dying breath, the most powerful spell a user could produce. Whilst Urr-Eth and his evil spirits plotted and attacked, the Alingatarr made busy with their time creating a world that was to be perfect, but their teachings in the matter had not been completed. They were doomed to be unsure of how to complete their purpose, and so made and unmade countlessly until they were sure the world was perfect. Hastarrii’s rod was at the center of Atûm, and the Alingatarr carved upon it the world, many times they carved, and many times they refilled the design and started anew. It was during this long time they came into their full power, and the hierarchy was established, though they were equal in their powers, one was given the power of creation, he was Ytarrii, and he was the leader. Around the rod, which became a pillar to hold Míthrondas and the celestial heavens above, as well as the world of the Attanborr that sat below it, (of which another tale is told elsewhere) were the thrones of the Alingatarr. At their center was Ytarrii, and from there he realised Atûm. 

At first, the Alingatarr were unimpressed by the rock unshaped and barren, it was nothing to behold, but Ytarrii was sure in his designs, and he hallowed it with the power of his Orchamir, and from it sprouted rivers, that flowed out of the pillar and into the timeless seas below. The Alingatarr were untroubled by the rivers, for they flowed out and not in, so nothing could come through, Hastarrii had not taught them caution, nor the many strategies of the enemy. Evil crept in, but the Alingatarr were too joyful to see, and for a long while the evil spirits sent by Urr-Eth worked to attain an entrance for their master. The Alingatarr sought to enter their world to shape it but found they could not, the world would crumble before their presence, they were too powerful, so they instead waited. 

The Tarriin

After a time, Ytarrii sat upon his throne, he thought and wondered, guessing at the plan of Hastarrii, then came his second, Forazantarr, who had found in him the power of wisdom and knowledge, he fathomed Hastarrii’s plan but he knew not whether it was entirely in their power to accomplish. The Alingatarr gathered, and together, with their Orchamiri, created a being of lesser power, the being's name was Urreddanéa, the maiden of the earth, “Glorious Voice,” she is the greatest shaper, greatest of the Tarriin, and her powers are creation of all kinds. The Tarriin were created one after the other, and the hierarchy was based on the time of their creation, not of their power. Next to be created was Urrmenes, whose name means “Divine Founder,” and it was for him to begin the greatest civilisations the world was destined to see. Then came Lyreonn, maiden of time, it is by her chronology that events within Atûm and Attan should happen in the order that they do, an extraordinary power. Narwer, the great elementalist was next, known for his temper, all elements have their source in him. There are many Tarriin, twelve in total, but a select few came into Atûm first, and the last of those is Olana, whose touch and grace summoned forth all the plants and things that grow. 

The twelve Tarriin prospered in Míthrondas, learning their powers and their tasks through the Alingatarr Forazantarr, who taught them many things and all that he had learned from his years of thought. A great period of teaching and peaceful tranquillity would take place in Míthrondas, during this time the Tarriin forged foundations of their realms, Urreddanéa’s realm was to be to the far north, where she could watch Emmandell, Urrmenes was to the far south, where he could found another great kingdom, but it was not to be. Urrmenes founded Emmandell where he desired his realm to be, and so before Urreddéana could descend and shape her realm Urrmenes entered her realm and shaped it to his will, using his forbidden sorcery. Urreddéana had no choice but to give up the north and settle for the south, where instead of green beautiful earth, she found a cold and icy wasteland, where the spirits had begun their destruction. 

It was also during this time of prosperity in Míthrondas, Ytarrii created many watchers, he wrought them out of the stone in Míthrondas, and they took the appearance of great men. It would be this design that would inspire Falvii to make men in the image of the watchers who are named Draukeng, though they are lesser in stature and strength of body and mind. The Draukeng were created to keep watch over the Tarriin and to guard Míthrondas. One such Draukeng is Argion Keng, who is one of four to be burdened with the task of repairing the world when Urr-Eth ascended, but that is a story few wish to be told. The Draukeng watched and kept the Tarriin from wandering and exploring where they should not, for Míthrondas held many things that were strange to them and when the Anornaumir attacked, the Draukeng were ready in defence.

A great battle was to be fought in Míthrondas; the secret evils of the spirits sent by Urr-Eth alerted the Alingatarr and Tarriin. These spirits were thwarted, but it would not be long before Urr-Eth himself and legions of spirits came up through the rivers and assailed Míthrondas for the final time. At this time, Urrmenes had already descended and begun establishing the blessed kingdom of Emmandell, he had already begun his very own historic tapestry, for the other Tarriin to follow, it was known as the Akammit and from it he committed his first vile act, the defiling of Íkist. The story of Urrmenes creation and secret fall are told elsewhere, in the tale of The Secret Mind of Urrmenes. 

The Final Assault on Míthrondas

Urrmenes was down creating the tapestry, he was alone, but he was not to be so for long, above in Míthrondas a great battle was raging, the Alluianoth, fought between the Alingatarr, the Tarriin and the Draukeng against Urr-Eth and his legions of spirits, of which had now been named the Anornaumir. It lasted for a time but during its terrors, Urr-Eth gained the upper hand, he realised the Pillar upon which the world was carved, and sought to destroy it, he sent many of his Anornaumir into it to change and ruin it. When the Alingatarr made and unmade the world over and over Urr-Eth had sent Anornaumir to spy, and spy they did. Urr-Eth knew the Orchamir, and he sought them, no longer coveting Hastarrii’s Rod, as that was beyond his reach, now he coveted the stones and the power they had. It has not been mentioned yet, that Urr-Eth controlled the darkness utterly, and could rip it apart and mold it to his will, when knowledge of the Orchamir reached him, he gathered darkness around him from the blackest depths of his realm and forged it into a gem, of such concentrated evil, it corrupted everything it touched. The power of this gem was only matched by Hastarrii’s orchamir, which is named the Hastarramir, after its master, Urr-Eth’s was named the Tarathamir. 

The Alingatarr and the Tarrin continued to fight the forces of the Anornaumir, but when Urr-Eth came forth, his stone in hand, his terror weapon in his other, the Alingatarr knew all was lost. Fearing what Urr-Eth could do with the Orchamir, they sent them into the world with the Tarriin who would shape it and commanded they keep them safe. Those Tarriin obeyed and descended into the world, they found Urrmenes already shaping the world, a power that did not belong to him, he began civilisations, transitioned them, and made them flourish, so the Tarriin shunned his designs, and built on the civilisation he had already begun, the realm of Emmandell. The Alluianoth ended when Urr-Eth disembodied the Alingatarr Morfal Zínun, The Silent Watcher, whose purpose was to maintain the halls of Míthrondas, though his purpose was much more significant than one might think. The other Alingatarr were crushed against their thrones, the power of Urr-Eth subdued them, and they could only watch as he entered into the pillar and spoiled it as he went. The other Tarriin who had remained in Míthrondas destroyed the remaining Anornaumir and upon seeing Urr-Eth descend, went after him with all the speed their Tarriin nature could grant them. 

The Vile and the Fallen

With his kingdom of Emmandell stolen from him, Urrmenes began to hate the Tarriin and so conceived secret evils that would come back to haunt them. In every civilisation that was destined to be magnificent, he erected some idol, that spurned the Tarriin and praised himself and Urr-Eth. Urr-Eth had come through the Pillar and into the world as Emmandell was hallowed, he saw Urrmenes forging his realm to the north which was to be Urreddanéa’s, and he entered into it. Approaching Urrmenes as a great black cloud of wrath he corrupted him using the Tarathamir, which strengthened his hate of the other Tarriin. Urr-Eth saw in Urrmenes a powerful servant, capable of great destruction, with the Tarathamir in hand, he broke off a shard, the stone bled black blood, that burned the ground below and ruined it. 

He thrust the shard into Urrmenes and watched as his new disciple welcomed its evils, expecting great rage and violence to consume him. Instead, he was calm, collected, and peaceful, in a soft voice, still beautiful like his voice in Míthrondas upon his creation, he spoke, “Let none pray to the Tarriin, and none comprehend or care for their troubles, for who could love those who love themselves more?” Urr-Eth grabbed him by the throat and lifted him high into the air, his cloud form hardened and he was a great monstrous mountain, he said with such an evil voice the earth shattered, the dust dissolved, and the night that shrouded the unpainted realm cracked and splintered. ‘They are nothing! I care not for their love nor their fear, the Orchamir are all I seek, and you shall find them for me! Go now from this realm and begin your search, use my power as your weapon!’

‘And what of you Tam-Amon? Greatest among the Alingatarr!’ replied Urrmenes, a choking breath.

Urr-Eth tightened his grip in anger, ‘I am not of those worthless ghosts! They were insignificant while I am mighty, even at their beginning! I come from before, and will not be counted among their idle ranks. I will shape this world, and bore it up to the greatest it can be, far beyond the power and majesty of Míthrondas will this world become, it will emerge from within Hastarrii’s Rod and burst through, Míthrondas will fall and Urr-Eth will remake his purpose as he sees fit!’

With the dreaded voice echoing Urr-Eth released his servant from his grasp, Urrmenes retreated, daunted by the power of his master, who had already begun shaping the realm, and summoning his Anornaumir from the south, Urrmenes left and begun his deeds in Emmandell. 

The Shaping of Atûm

Emmandell was being built, the Tarriin worked with tremendous speed and strength, and a great kingdom was being established, built upon the foundation wrought by Urrmenes, who knew it well. From the thrones of Míthrondas, a voice echoed through all creation, the words of Netûnetarr, She Who Shaped The World, and it heeded to Urreddanéa to begin her work, and she fashioned the mountains, that gleamed silver at night and gold during the day, to the far north of Emmandell. Urrmenes from his realm could not see the city that was to be Gardelas, nor could he see the lands that surrounded it, all he could see was the summit of Míthancalmé. This was the highest mountain in the range which had been named Yeremíth, and they were raised by Urreddanéa to spite Urrmenes who stole her northern realm. Until now the world had been dark, but it was darker still, as the Doors of Akati-Nurr loomed over the light of Yeremíth. The Tarriin Sétora, who danced radiant through the sky scattered her light into the dark, and behold! The stars and constellations mirrored the beautiful shapes of creations that the Alingatarr had shown them in their teachings, and they danced and pranced and slithered and crawled and swam across the skyscape forever more. 

Then came Urreddanéa once more, and she came to undo the Akammit, which had already dictated the shaping of so much of the world, as it swooped and hung high in the windless heavens. Urrmenes watched from Emmandell as his work was being undone, hate boiled within him, stronger than it had been before his blood turned black. Urreddanéa changed his mountains, not entirely undoing them, merely correcting them to her designs, the earth churned and crumbled, and from these cracks sprang rocks and soils, and they arose, built upon the foundations of what had stood before. Yet the forging of the world was destitute of peace, stricken with the hauntings of shadows that clambered into the cracks of the world and burrowed in like an infection. Some came and assaulted the Tarriin as they gathered, but they were fought away, and they would return, digging trenches into the world and ruining the landscape. 

Netûnetarr still stood before the pillar, and her voice spoke once again and from her voice her designs were issued and the fibres weaved their way into a great circle, that spun and formed an unbreakable unyielding strength. Columns stretched up and came into being, and another layer was added on top as an entablature, this ring was hallowed by Ytarrii himself, and was wrapped in the protected sorceries of Morfal Zínun, who sought to keep the darkness out of the world. This was the forging of the Mundamar and the Saten Aaruas. There were gaps left in the walls that would house the great doors of the Tarriin, where they could muster their power to its prime, shape, and rule over those who worshipped them, but they were not to be made yet. 

Now Urrmenes had his time, and Narwer had his, they came from Emmandell and strode along the flats to the edge of the world where the Saten Aaruas and Mundamar lay, and together they weaved into existence a great river, neither existing nor extinct. It was named the Nin Kahaaru, and it flowed in accordance with time and would separate the living from the dead, who would be transported upon a ship not yet built. Lyreonn who governed time within creation took some of the Nin Kahaaru and made from it a disk that would spin atop the world, and when the disk ceased its spinning a new celéum would begin. Watching over his creation with joy for he loved the transitional nature of time, Urrmenes began his greatest work, the doors of the Tarriin. Urrmenes being the Tarriin of Gateways; Ytarrii saw fit to appoint him as their maker, and in the Akammit the Tarriin doors are also sown as his design. Urrmenes began rending the very fabrics of creation using the sorcery his creation of the Akammit had granted him, as well as the power that Urr-Eth had issued to him. Drawing from the darkness and the planes unseen that the Alingatarr Corimútarr had lain, he created the twelve doorways, and he named them the Dernomárin, and within these realms, the Tarriin inhabit, when the world was ready for Istenari governing. 

After the Nin Kahaaru had been sprung into existence, Narwer went back to Emmandell and looked upon it, seeing nothing but rock and dust, high mountains, and the stars above. He was unhappy, there was little to behold, and he questioned the plan of the Alingatarr, and the posthumous plan of the Hastarrii. He looked upon the Orchamûnak, seeing the carvings upon it and the beauty of the artworks that the Alingatarr had wrought. Then Netûnetarr spoke once more and enriched his mind, Narwer had always been quick to forget the teachings he had undertaken and sought to accomplish his opus, but then he remembered the further deeds of his purpose. To Emmandell he went, and at this time not even Gardelas had begun its construction, Narwer fashioned before him a basin in the ground, and standing within it, springing from his hands he drew into the ground; water. He stood at the bottom enveloped in his creation, it felt refreshing and invigorating, the water was clear, the dust collected at the bottom and the first bed was made. Then he arose, out of the water he leaped with the water-bearing him high, and seeing before him as he hovered there, the first river flowed down the hill, and collected at the bottom. His eyes followed the river until it reached the bottom and collected in a puddle, he watched further and saw the ground arisen from Urreddanéa’s deeds, and there he remained in contemplation, far away Forazantarr named that river, and he named it the Nin Ammi. 

Narwer watched ahead from high in the air, the tendrils of his lake suspending him, below however emerged from a crack in the ground one of those evil Anornaumir. It may have sought to attack, but even these horrors have reason, and so it chose not to, it came with its blackened trail, and the Tarriin sensed it, and immediately came to destroy it. Urrmenes, Narwer, and Sétora alike, and even one more who had descended from Míthrondas with the sole purpose of destroying these beings, and he was named Galichas, the Anornautet. But it was one voice that stopped them, the voice of Urreddanéa, and her voice was commanding, they ceased their coming destructive onslaught, and watched instead. Urreddanéa descended before the Anornaumir and her looming stature terrified it, more so than Urr-Eth’s, and it began to create and build. It created things that the Tarriin knew but had not yet made, knowledge gained by Urr-Eth had been bestowed upon his legions, so they could trick and blend in, but Galichas distrusted it and drew his spear. The Anornaumir created a great hall, like the one it had likely beholden in Míthrondas, and many more beautiful things, the Tarriin were astonished, but proud Urrmenes tore it down. The Tarriin were not versed in spoken words, they only communicated through thought, and Urrmenes spoke to them with tongue and lips.

‘This Naumir has seen Míthrondas! It spoils its majesty with this feckless earthly abode, how dare it! Strike it down Galichas!’

Galichas drew his spear but Urreddanéa ushered it away. Shocked at Urrmenes' voice, the Tarriin had been staggered, his voice was booming, like a hammer on an anvil, it rung so loud that the other Tarriin who had not yet descended heard. If one looked above at the twilight and saw the stars they could see five more beings descending like shooting stars, except they came down slower, bright golden radiance outlined them. Then Urreddanéa’s voice, which was most beautiful and ancient like a harmony of organs and harps all playing at once spoke, ‘Your voice is mighty Urrmenes, but none should have such a voice save the one bestowed by Ytarrii himself, your voice has threaded within it a darkness I sense. What shadow of Hastarrii have you consorted with? Whatever promise it may grant is insignificant to the promise of Hastarrii, you! The greatest in strength of us all should learn to use it above all else, now shed what evil instrument you keep in your being, for I can feel it, and let it drop into the nothingness away from all minds corruptible.’ Her stature had grown the size of a mountain, and his did so to meet her, as tall as the Dernomarin they became, and the others watched in awe and apprehension. 

‘I hold nothing in my keeping save my displeasure at your usurping of my creation. The Akammit is a perfect translation of Hastarrii’s plan, for I heard it from him. It was a beautiful whisper from a bygone time.’

Then Urreddanéa spoke: ‘Hastarrii is greater in power than all of us combined, yet even he cannot speak after such a death as his, the Akammit is nothing but the doted whisperings and aspirations of Tam-Amon, that terrible iniquity that killed our lord. You must see this Urrmenes, great founder of Emmandell, for I know it was truly you who founded it. Tell me what the shadow beyond the walls has offered you, and all ill will you bade upon me will be forgiven, you may keep your northern realm.’ 

‘Dearest and greatest of the Tarriin, the voice has spoken to me, Hastarrii spoke through Ytarrii to me, and it was Ytarrii who spoke of the Akammit, and his voice was beautiful. It was he who offered me the power to found my kingdoms and populate them with the greatest kings to walk upon the world. The voice beyond the walls played no part in any of my uprisings, it was through the bidding of our master Ytarrii. Emmandell will be home to us for a time, but also a race of beings lesser than us but still greater than any mortal to come, but there will still be one more race after, and he will spread his influence upon the world, and make my name great among them all, as will be his purpose in life.’

‘You can claim that there is no evil in you, that all your deeds will be in the name of Ytarrii, of which is the will of Hastarrii, for his plan was never shared in whole to our masters, but I will always suspect treachery in you, even now your beauty and aura is dimmed. A breath turns cold when it nears you, and hands may grow old when they reach to worship you, and eyes may strain when they look upon you, but the eyes of all the Tarriin and Alingatarr will always see you clearly.’

‘If you wish to burden me with guilt, then that is your pointless purpose, but that Anornau that stands before us is of the legion of Urr-Eth and must be destroyed!’

‘That may be so, but even Anornau can be shown mercy.’ Then she turned and descended from her mountainous size to the rest of the Tarriin, but remained taller than them. Then she spoke:

‘I declare this Anornau be left alive, it had done nothing but build a great temple alike of Míthrondas high, if you can but state your purpose Anornau, then you may be spared, but you must commit yourself to the construction of Emmandell and the surrounding world, for building is your new purpose.’ 

Then to the Tarriin the Anornau took the form of a naked man, and fell to his knees, and the Tarriin were shocked, for they had seen this in Hastarrii’s plan that Forazantarr had shown them, and they realised that Urr-Eth knew the plan of Hastarrii, likely greater than even their masters. The Anornau spoke, ‘The great surrounding blackness, who even now is with us, has given us all a foul purpose, for it is by the timeless will of Hastarrii that we should come down and destroy you where we can and rend the very world you shape. His will is for us to tempt, to promise you the designs of the Alingatarr that you do not know, the designs of Hastarrii that Urr-Eth gained before he died. I do not tempt you now, but the others will, I seek to abandon Urr-Eth, though his power and promise be great, his will is cruel, and his mind umbral. I fear what he may do to us when he has his way.’

Then Galichas spoke, ‘We will never trust you, all these words may just be treachery, it may only seek for us to pity it, and take it into our confidence, the lowest of manipulations. I will still have us drive our weapons through it and save ourselves of more of this trickery.’ 

‘Your words are well founded Galichas,’ said Urredanéa, ‘but I feel this is against the plan of Urr-Eth, while the Alingatarr regathers after the Arkaméagon, we must be strong and resolute for we are on our own, we shall let this Anornau be, but our keen eyes will be on him always.’

Then the Anornau stood and turning from them he made his way towards the legs of Yeremítha and upon the river that flowed he built a great hall, its pillars and floors were vast on the inside, but few on the outside, and where one could see only a great hall, one could see through the doors a vast mansion, stretching far with many tables and chairs and pillars and hearths. Even Galichas who watched with sustained contempt was amazed, and Urrmenes who stepped forward to tear it down was astonished but jealous at its brilliance. 

‘I behold to you, who distrust me and hold me in utter contempt and hate,’ announced the Anornau, ‘The halls of Yorú are made, and within them, the first celebrations, the first tales, and the first warm hearths, this I gift to you.’

The Tarriin were still in awe, and Urreddanéa came forward and spoke: ‘A great gift it is, but this could just be a ploy, another form of manipulation, I shall not be blind to it, but I shall not neglect you, provide us with a name, that we may call you with respect, or announce at your trial when you have rebelled and forsaken us for Urr-Eth.’

‘I have no name, but I heard of a name while we spied, spoken by the great Forazantarr, to be given to a builder far in days unseen who would build great things. The name of Elgaroth, is an interesting name I find, and I recognise none of the words that make it, so I guess it is of a tongue not yet devised.’

Urreddanéa shrunk herself down to the size of the man, she went past him and entered the hall, looking around she saw many things she loved, and she was reminded of Míthrondas, then with a renewed spirit she declared: ‘Elgaroth shall be his name, Elgaroth the first, but from his ways and his manner, I see he shall have many names, for I see now with the eyes given to me by Ytarrii himself that he shall be a wanderer too, and shall relay from his mind the tales of all the lands, so the lands can share from one another and flourish. My distrust stands until that distant time Elgaroth, as long as there is wickedness abroad, you must stand with us, or perish to Galichas of the brandished spear. His point can reach you wherever you stand in the world, and where his spear is, he is seldom far behind.’

‘I am contented with these terms glorious Urreddanéa, I shall build lavish quarters, sumptuous halls and thrones for all who stand before me in the blessed city. The streets will be brilliant, the fountains sprung will be of the noblest of designs, and hallowed by the illustrious Narwer himself, the roads that flow through the green country shall be of marble and shall run from the city to Yorú, through the gardens of the graceful Olana. All this I shall do, for the glory of Emmandell and Atûm, and the high pinnacles of Míthrondas!’ 

Then the Tarriin left and continued their shaping for the world was vast, there was much to do yet, Narwer returned to his high-flying situation, and the waters held him aloft. Then he commanded them to lift him higher, and all of a sudden the airs that had not existed before filled the vast dome of the world, they sprung from his body, like steam off a molten rock. The Tarriin around him became refreshed, the dusts were wrapped with haze, the mountains felt cold to the touch, and then they all saw. Narwer grew taller and taller to the size of a tree, the waters like the roots of a tree took him higher, lifting him like a king! Nay, an emperor! He reached high into the air, and the water let him go and crashed back into the lake, and in their place bright light wrapped around his fingers, hands and arms, around his chest and legs, and lightning it was! Up there he fabricated the clouds, thunderclaps and lighting storms that smote the earth like spears but destroyed nothing. Rain formed, hail broke out, and snow unlike the evil black blizzards in the south fell in heaps, winds so strong they blew the clouds and ripped them around in a swirling rage that engulfed Narwer, but he controlled them and fueled them into the greatest picture of wrath. Then he silenced them, and all of a sudden it all stopped, and there was tranquillity, and he descended, and with him came fog and a gentle breeze. 

Narwer came upon the ground in the barren desert between the great mountains of Emmandell and the far southern reaches, there was nothing but wet dust and meagre lakes. Narwer called upon the rains once more, and they doused the world and pummelled it, the world was racked with trenches from the Anornaumir, who still gashed and ruined it. Many came for him as the rains came, some were smart and retreated away to higher ground, Narwer forged into his very own hands a weapon of water and thunder and fire in the likeness of a staff, but adorned at the head with his sigil that would mark his enemies and the very beds of the world that would be covered by his domain. He fought off the Anornaumir that came, he immersed them in flame, wrapped them in lightning, washed them away with a deluge, buried them in a blizzard, threw them far with a blustering tempest, tore them apart with his hands, and cleaved them in half with his staff. Then he planted the weapon unnamed into the ground and from his soul his power coursed, like a river down through the weapon and into the world. 

Water sprung all around him, lightning struck the rod, flames coursed through the air and met the staff, all the elements were brought into the world, and slowly it began to fill with the deep and untameable seas. The Anornaumir who were too blind and oblivious in their destructive ways were drowned in their trenches, some took forms of hideous creatures to survive. They mangled themselves in the deep trenches, overwhelmed and terrified, in the darkness they embraced their squalor and hid in the caves they made. Narwer stood at the bottom of the sea, his full power unleashed, the silence between his wrath had been but an alleviation of the fear the other Tarriin felt towards his power. They watched from the beaches of Emmandell as the great fight took place, and they saw how the sea came up to the beach and crashed with tall waves. This is how the seas and deep oceans of Atûm were forged, and how the daunting storms and bellowing winds were fashioned. 

The violence of Narwer had ended, he lingered for a long while at the bottom of the sea, building for himself an earthly domain, but while he remained down there stones broke above. There without anger the barren plains that had remained for too long were disturbed, Olana walked the landscape, and from her feet and her hands, which lengthened across the lands. From her arms seeds and saplings fell and populated the grounds, soil churned from beneath the surface, and Narwer’s rain dressed them, cloaking them in a means to grow. Forests sprang up led by trees and grew tall, plants pillowed the undergrowth, and leaves fell and mantled the ground so no desert dust remained. Grass covered the world, from mountain feet to beach’s edge, from rivers winding to deserts sand where the heat is beating, to the marsh lands where the smell is ripe, to the cold tundras far to the south, where they died to the poisons of those Anornaumir that dwelt there. Forests of all varieties, jungles wet, shrublands prickly, grasslands flowing with the wind, and even those plants and trees that crept into the sea, going deep even into the trenches, where they hardened into corals and took various shapes. Some grew deep into caves and developed strange and wonderful semblance that would both terrify and inawe those who saw them. Some did manage to climb the high mountains and hills to atmospheres unknown to them, yet they thrived. 

All these beautiful things had become upon the world, under now ancient skies the Tarriin had achieved their masters designs, yet things remained unmade. Then Falvii came, she was the life of the Tarriin, for it was by her power that they were healed and remained as they were; unmutilated by the dark forces. She made the animals that would inhabit the world before ever the mortal and immortal races were destined to arrive. She made for herself a manor of trees, earth and bark, in the village beside Yorú, for it was also her job to supply the meat for the halls. It was in her manor that she released all the animals into Emmandell, and they took their abodes where they saw fit and thrived. There were animals of all shapes and sizes, who crawled, slithered, walked on legs of various numbering, flew high in the air, and swam in the shallow depths of rivers, ponds and seas to the lowest crushing depths of the harrowing oceans. They spread like a blossoming flower, to all biomes of the world, some befriended the mortal races, some were corrupted and some were enslaved. Some were taken by the Anornaumir and mangled against their will, many suffered horrible needless death, some thrived in hidden communities away from terror. They all lived and breathed according to the plan of Hastarrii and the Alingatarr, and none could do wrong, for they were incapable even when corrupted. In death a haven was made for them, a great garden alike of the world, but ruled by one who blanketed them in love, and even those animals who became beasts for evil found peace in the afterlife. 

A Tale of Two

There was but one animal who was revered greatest among the rest, the most loyal servant any could ask, and it was through the good nature of this servant countless times that made them the heralds of the Tarriin, and the Alingatarr. Falvii fashioned the animal first, all animals were equal to her, but this one she held closest to her heart, and forever it was made the undying protector of Atûm. The great retriever, who walked on four legs but could prance into the stars and watch from above. She created this retriever before all others, and because of this all animals held him in reverence, his name was Wodi, and he led the animals from Falvii’s manor to the far reaches of the world. If Falvii needed to speak to or save an animal from a terrible fate, Wodi was sent to bring them home and protect them on their way. In the face of evil, he was a vast black hound, made to mock the dark appearance of Urr-Eth, but he was no beast and was forever loyal to Urreddanéa and the Tarriin, but Falvii was forever his master. 

It came about that a great killing of animals and beasts would happen after Wodi guided them to their homes around the world, and many dogs met a cruel fate. Urr-Eth heard of the animals released through the secret spyings of the Anornaumir under Urrmenes. Wodi and his pack came through the forests to the far south and were assaulted by numerous spirits, who came from caves and dark places. Wodi destroyed many but found himself overwhelmed and called out in pain when he became pinned, he barked so loud Emmandell was shaken, Gardelas which was under construction halted immediately. Falvii came from her manor at blistering speed and saw the death. She wept and in her anger came Manthar the Tarriin of War, who was far away in Urrhammas shaping his realm. His war cry scared away the Anornaumir and Falvii attended the wounded, but many died, she cursed Urr-Eth and his servants and healed a dying dog that whimpered in pain. The dog got to its feet but only took a few steps before collapsing again, fatal poisons had been ripped into her, and she would not last long, then Wodi came back from his chase and saw her dying. He came up to her and licked the wound clean, and the blood that ran black with poison then flowed red and ceased, the dog stood up and pranced, and Falvii bid the dog join Wodi as a guardian to all others. She had a name given, and it was Cocus, but she had many more, and now wherever Wodi went, Cocus went also, both immortal and often asleep before the hearths of Yorú their bellies full of food. The tales of their appetites and deeds are numerous and are told elsewhere.

Gardelas the Blessed City is Built

It would have taken mortal builders hundreds of years to create such a vast complex of structures and high sky scraping towers, but the Tarriin, with the help of the Anornau newly named Elgaroth (a name which only Forazantarr himself knew the meaning of at this time). The bricks which were enormous in themselves were beautifully decorated, carved with writings and designs of that ancient language which the Alingatarr and the Tarriin spoke. It was the Twilight city, because the Tarriin found the time when the light of the stars and the darkness of night mingling together was so beautiful that they dressed themselves in the colours of blue, purple, orange, yellow and green. These colours were so loved by them that the city would mirror them, and so it did. The streets were made of silver like the stars, the mortar that filled the gaps in between the stones was made purple and the dust that blew in the wind and settled elsewhere across the countryside was orange. The city was colourful and ever expanding, as the population grew beyond that of just the Tarriin, more houses and mansions were built to accommodate. 

It was also during this time that the four Ingolau were created, Urreddanéa had finished shaping her realm and raised four mountains taller than all the others save Míthancalmé. They were raised to house the lights which would light the world more so than the stars already did. They would glow golden during the day, and silver during the night, and the lights which were suspended above the summits of these mountains were named Teptíon, Nanú, Akatí, and Ûpana. During the daytime, the mountains would each shine upon a quarter of the world, and as far away in Gardelas, the mountains would be bright and the city would be so beautiful words could not describe. During the night the city was silver-white, and all the roads could be seen as they too shone silver-white amongst the dark green fields during the night. 

As the city arose the Tarriin were attacked by many Anornaumir who came to throw down the pillars and lay waste to their designs, Galichas roamed around the city walls bringing them down with his spear. Manthar scared them away with his hearty laugh and mace made from the trunk of a vast tree, Lyfínor who has yet to be mentioned; for he was away in his realm fabricating the planes of the world that are unseen to all but himself. He emerged from within the air like a shadow on the ground and scared the Anornau to death with his form. Narwer for the first time in centuries emerged from the seas and burned the Anornau to ash, their own flames overpowered by his. Together they engaged them and defended the city, the first Atûmilic siege to ever take place, and one of the few times Gardelas will ever see violence. The blessed twilight city as it was often called too had many names, and one in particular was with good reason and that was the city of statues, for there were many. Gardelas is one of the few Atûmilic cities that hold monuments like statues which commemorate the Alingatarr, the others being Quendelas, Yannelas, Míthandell, and Aldimath.

Ytarrii had his statue in the high courtyard of Gardelas, that overlooked the Tladic Sea, and the vast Atûmuric sea beyond. It gazed upwards at the sky with its arms extended above him, it is here that many of those who would live in Gardelas would pray towards, though they did so from the street. Urreddanéa also had many statues, and when came time for the Istenari to rule in the places of the Tarriin, they would inherit the city and have their own statues. Out in the Tladic Sea were situated many statues tall too, they were of the Tarriin, and when one sailed to Emmandell, they would come through the vast gateways that held the likeness of the Tarriin. 

The Trees of Nendel

Many years onwards from the time of the building of Gardelas, the world had been shaped to the will of the Tarriin, and the Alingatarr rested in their thrones in Míthrondas. The Fenirra ruled Emmandell, and subsequently they ruled the world, for no authorities were greater than theirs. They made their changes to the landscapes as they saw fit, but never did they undo, there was one of the Fenirra named Nendel, who in her time in Gardelas decorated it with trees golden in colour. During the day as one looked up beneath the tree they could see the night sky reflected back down at them, and if one ate from the fruits of these trees they found their luck increased and the ailments reduced. Her shining decoration upon the earth are the trees she made as tall as mountains, their highest leaves immersed in the clouds, their roots deeper than the beds of the seas. The roots broke out over the landscape and snaked under the ground and when a leaf fell it was harvested and fed the crops for years. The trees were so tall and vast in fact, that the birds that nested and lived up there could scarcely be heard from the ground, even if one climbed halfway up the tree. A great city had been built into one of these trees, it lay further south on the mainland that would come to be named as Tamar, but like most continents it had many names. This city was named Yannelas, the same mentioned above, and its highest rooms reached two thirds of the way up the trunk, just beyond the halfway point. It is said that the kings of Yannelas had to first climb to the highest branches of the tree and return before they were deemed worthy to be king, and those that did were crowned under the imposing statue of Ytarrii.

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