A fast cutter is a kind of warcraft used by governments all across the Sol System for quasi-military purposes like port enforcement and search & rescue.
| PF2e One Shot | After an Escort Quest into the Cloudburst Coastside goes predictably wrong, your party encounters what the local Elves call the Raikunath, a name that once meant "Lord of Lightning".
The Brelish Bowl, or Eilneqrī, is a smokey and slightly spicy salad that originates from Eilne in South Tellaiti, a region in the Empire of Pallernen that is home to the Brelish people.
Valleterna is a vibrant yet fractured valley of contrasts, where nine fiercely independent cities—bound by tenuous alliances and simmering rivalries—struggle to maintain peace amidst cultural divides, political intrigue, and growing unrest.